#why a spoon


Prophetic dreams?? Probably not.

So in this dream, I have friends, but instead of the normal people shape I usually hang out with they are like super buff, like JoJo buff.

There’s a stereotypical blond archer lady but her arms are the size of my torso.There’s a Brown haired buff dude, and a blond haired buff dude. Let’s call them buff gal, buff guy 1, and buff guy 2.

So I, a very not buff girl make friends with them. We are told we need to go on a quest to defeat a evil guy. After we defeat him an angel appears. So we shut up and listen. The glowy guy starts with buff guy #1

“Listen and fear not, you were sent by the heavens for a purpose, to defend the innocent and righteous.” And gives buff guy #1 a golden sword and sheild.

He then turns to buff gal;”listen and fear not, your purpose is to guide the lost and holy alike” and gives her a golden bow.

Then he turns towards buff guy #2; “again listen ye of little fear, your purpose is to defeat evil and cleanse the land” and gives him a halberd.

So I’m like. “What about me” and he turns towards me and says: “you… you pulled yourself here across time and space . You brought yourself here, your purpose is your own.” and handed me a golden spoon

So uh yeah I got a spoon from an angel in my dream the other night.
