#why do people suck


On a level of 0 to 100, I’ve set certain people at a level 5 expectations because they refuse to better themselves or try to learn from their mistakes…

These people have proven it with their unwillingness to change or try and become better people. In their terms, everybody is wrong and they’re always right no matter what, so they’ll never admit to their wrong doings. They’ll always play the victims, they’ll always blame the others, they’ll never apologize, they will always slight people, and they’ll do something spiteful if anybody gets on their bad terms (even just by a tiny scale). Jeez, that shit’s gotta be embarrassing to keep doing, especially if you reach a certain age (high maintenance adult babies).

So in order for me to not get pissed or irritated with these people, I’ve told myself to have little to no expectations out of them (no higher than 5).
