#why havent i read this yet



This is an anon request from quite a while ago. This, I suppose, a continuation of Important Lessons? Because I can’t seem to quit it.

It’s just a little drabble.

Hope y’all enjoy.

When Saizo returns home from the university he’s met with the stark silence of his apartment, an odd dissonance from the usual bustle he returns to, followed by the very discernable sound of sniffling.

Dear oh dear.

He loosens his tie, dropping his work onto the counter, quietly following the sound into their bedroom.

No, not in there, he gives the empty bed a once over before turning to the bathroom.

He grabs the handle, twisting it.


His frown deepens, especially when he hears the uptick in her crying.

“Little Lady,” He begins, his voice concealing the concern he feels. “What’s going on?”

He hears her muffled response and for a moment he feels his entire world off kilter. The blood in his veins turns to ice.

Then he hears her again, her voice teary and pained.

“I’m sorry-I’m really sorry” She sounds so lost, so scared. What irony, since the only one who can really be blamed is him.

“Why are you sorry? It takes two to tango” He chuckles, a forced sound, his knuckles turned white from clutching at the handle. “Just let me in, little lady.”

Saizo never thought he’d be a father, actively attempted to not be a father, even.

But of course, of course with her he wasn’t careful. She always made him forget a piece of himself.

Still, being with her, he has learned to expect more of himself than he could imagine.

Especially when she looked at him, with those burning, loving eyes.

He had told himself he wouldn’t fall in love, wouldn’t settle down.

Thus far she’d proven both of those points wrong.

Perhaps with her, he could be a father.

She proves him wrong (or maybe right)  when he is holding his son in his arms, her familiar eyes shining under the starkness of hair that so resembles his own.

A perfectly imperfect little being, prone to wailing unless he rested in the arms of one of his parents.

That, he reasons, he must get from his mother.



Hope I didn’t disappoint. 
