#why is the online post editor so shitty


I now have a bachelors degree! These are from the lab reports I speedran in order to graduate and get my diploma before Jaanipäev. Tomorrow or the day after I should be able to get my grubby little goblin hands on it.

I saw a bunch of people here posting their grades and hoo boy my arithmetic average across positive results is 2.56 or something out of 5 (5 is A, … , 1 is E which is still a passing grade).

Being unable to really work in the language of the program cucked me hard: first semester I lost a point or two on a chemistry test cause I only know element names in english and I honestly did not consider asking the professor.

Protip: you ARE ALLOWED to ask questions during a test or exam (unless your professor is an asshole and explicitly forbids it)
