#wifey cat



Marcus gives himself a minute to admire your profile, eyes tracing everything from the curve of your eyelashes to the turn of your lips. His gaze lingers on the gash across your cheek, the one gifted to you by Granada as he helplessly watched in horror. His hands shake from fighting the urge to reach out and trace it, terrified that even that small gesture will spook you and send you back into your apartment and block him out for good.


Your eyes pop open at the sound of your name and you look up at him slowly, patiently waiting for him to continue.

“I’m sorry.”

-Poorly Wired Circuit Chapter 28 or Early April Morning

I commissioned this amazing piece of art by the talented and wonderful @shite-art months (guys, months!) ago. They were so kind and generous, listening to me ramble about a chapter that was half written, helping to bring to life when Marcus and Sarah finally have their moment. I cannot say it enough; if you ever get a chance to commission something from Maia, please do. You will not be disappointed.

Thank you, Maia. Every detail is perfect; from the cut on Sarah’s cheek, to Marcus’s bloody knuckles, to his untied boot, to Sarah’s messy hair, to Marcus’s belly. You captured the love these two have for each other in how they’re looking at each other, bodies cheated in. It’s exactly how I pictured this moment, and I am endlessly grateful for you. Thank you, for this, for being my friend, for everything. I love you so big!

Woah yes you asked me to do this so long ago!! It feels like an age away and now we’re here with two more chapters left. I’M EMOTIONAL. I’m so proud of you. Thanks for commissioning me to draw your babies, Cat <3
