#will anyone even like them



Hey everyone, sorry for being MIA for so long.. I was reallysick all February. I’m starting to feel better, but I’m having a lot of personal problems that are keeping me from being able to be as active as I used to. I’m hoping once the dust settles from all this malarkey that I’ll be able to post as much as I used to.

In the mean time, I finally got around to finding some canvases to attempt my DA:I Tarot card paintings. The closest size I could get to an actual tarot card was 5″x7″ canvas. I’m thinking about attempting a Solas one first, and I created a strawpoll to get an idea of which one people would like to see. If all who sees this could please cast a vote, it would help a ton :) http://strawpoll.me/3962487

I’m hoping to get as close to the original card as I can in my painting, but I’m still practicing so please forgive me if it doesn’t come out exact :) I’ll be trying to sell them on my etsy store with a custom made easel (that’s the plan, anyways) once I finish them. I’ll also be taking commissions of other cards once I get more comfortable with it and able to get them done faster. Or mayhaps I’ll just do an endless amount of Solas cards. Lol :)

Wish me luck!
