#will forever love this movie










yo treasure planet was literally the best 2d disney film ever made like the setting? the colors? the flawless transition? the gorgeous world building? the three dimensional characters? a main character who’s never pressured to get into anything remotely close to romance? complex relationships? an antagonist who has layers to his character? the soundtrack? i could go the FUCK on,



We’re all just suckers for lonely heroes accidentally acquiring a dad.

the reason why this movie is so underrated is that disney released it almost side by side with the harry potter movie.

treasure planet was a very, very expensive movie that used novel cgi mixed with 2d drawing, took a lot of work and money to create, the script itself was amazing to work with, the characters had arcs and depths, and the story as a whole was compelling and never off.

i don’t think anyone ever figured out why disney wanted it to flop, but the date of release was strictly suicidal for a movie. that’s why it never got the attention it deserved.

This is my favorite Disney movie like for real I watched it like 10000 times as a little kid and even more when I got older. I love it

If you guys want a full understanding of just how underrated this movie is here’s a video about all the cool shit that went into the movie

Yess I was trying to find this video!

Evidently, Disney saw everyone else doing and being successful with 3D animation, and their 2D animated movies were not doing as well in the box office. So they decided to kill Treasure Planet by doing it dirty in every form possible so that they could have an excuse to move away from 2D animated movies.
