#will sprout


Translation of Will Sprout’s 4* “Help! Cooking Hero” card story from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.

Will: Maybe I should go for it and try making pasta tonight. …Ah, that reminds me. We’re running out of ingredients for dessert so I should go buy some more too

Will: I’m really glad that Brad-san enjoyed that dessert. And how he was also happy when I made it last night.

Akira: Ain’tcha getting tired from keeping this up for three days in a row?

Will: Y-you think so? When it comes to food I like, I could eat it everyday…

Will: I’ll have to pay attention in order to not trouble Brad-san… and to not impose on him either.

Akira: Well it ain’t like you’re making him eat your super gross cooking from before, anything’s better than that really


Will: Ah, Ren

Ren: Will…and, Akira…


Will: Um… are you going off to train on your own?


Will: Same plans as Akira then

Akira & Ren:……..

Will: Uuuhm… Maybe I’ll also drop by the gym when I’m back from shopping


Will:Yes. Shopping for cooking ingredients

Ren: C-cooking…. Are you the one…..?

Will:That’s right. I’ve been cooking everyday now


Will:Oh yeah, Ren. I’ve been wanting to apologize to you.


Will:Remember that one time when we were kids and I made you and Akira some pancakes?

Will: Back then I didn’t realize that my own cooking was way too sweet for anyone’s good… I’m really sorry for forcing you to eat something disgusting that you didn’t want.

Will: And there’s also the fact that you ended up hating sweets because of that…

Ren: W-where’s all this coming from….?

Will: Recently I’ve taken on a request at a restaurant and with that came the opportunity to cook for people coming to–

Ren: Wha-…!? Cooking at a restaurant…. Are there any survivors left?

Akira: Y’know about that…. Will’s cooking was actually, delicious…


Akira: When I heard that he wanted to take the restaurant job I was SUPER against it. At that time his cooking was still terrible as ever

Akira: Although he had been pumping out buncha terrible dishes for a bit after he got the job…

Akira: But then when I actually ate his dish– 

Ren:You ate it…? You swore you’d never eat his cooking ever again….

Akira:Yeah, that was an exception

Akira: I was nervous about it, but then Brad went ahead and ate first, calling it delicious and all

Ren:….Can’t believe it

Will: (Akira and Ren are talking to each other. Fufu, this takes me back. How nostalgic…)

Will: (Seeing them get along does truly make me happy.)

Akira: You oughta have a bite of his cooking too

Ren: …No, I’m good.

Will:Yeah, this might not be the best pick for Ren. What you’ve been calling delicious was just about the dessert, so…

Akira: Aaah, right…

Akira: Well even though we got that trauma from eating pancakes long time ago, I can say with confidence that dessert won’t be much of a problem

Will: ….Thanks, Akira

Akira: Hm? What’cha thanking me for, I didn’t say anything special?

Will:Fufu, it’s a thank you for making me happy.

Will: Listen, Ren. If there ever comes a day where I make a dish that isn’t sweet then I’d want you to try it..


Will:Although it’ll take a while until I get there…


Ren: ….If you’ll really make something that isn’t sweet then I’ll eat it.

Will: T-thank you, Ren…!

Ren:Besides, what kind of dessert was it?

Akira: A sweet cream dorayaki together with a bitter green tea.

Akira:The dorayaki’s damn sweet but in combination with that tea it ends up being just the right kind of bitter.

Akira:Well, you’ll totally be fine with that combination 


Akira: Ack!? Eating Will’s cooking was so outta the ordinary that I ended up talking to you normally…


Ren: I-I was talking to Will, you just butted in the conversation.

Akira:Haaah!? What was that!?

Will:Ahaha, isn’t that fine

Will: …I honestly have no clue myself when that day will come but, I’d love it if I could ever make a dish that Ren would think it’s delicious

Will:Whenever that happens, I’d like for all three of us to eat together♪
