#william heather



Special thanks to @graduatedpillowmonster <3

Part 1

Henry Le Vesconte: you probably should fight him, but don’t because it means fighting Fitzjames and his cheetah. You might survive the cheetah but you won’t survive Fitzjames.

Lt. Hodgson: fight him if you really have nothing better to do. He might try to distract you with another lengthy story from his childhood and it will probably work. So it’s your call.

CharlesDesVoeux: will probably run away before you can land a punch. Fight him if you catch him.

Dr. McDonald: now why would you want to fight this nice and cheerful gentleman who can - and will - fight back, unless trapped in a tent with a frenzied mob behind him? Don’t.

Dr. Peddie: first of all, good luck finding him. Also there is so little known about him that it’s hard to make an educated guess. Seems chill though, so don’t fight.

Sgt. Tozer: a really bad idea. He is a Royal Marine, now what the bloody hell do you think that means? Exactly, he’ll shoot you on the spot. Even if you manage to corner him, watch out for Armitage sneaking up on you with a gun. And if you somehow manage to deck Tozer, you’ll have to deal with the rest of the Marines. Fight with extreme caution, better yet – don’t fight at all.

PrivateHeather: the dude is in a coma?? Why would you fight him??? Also if you try anything, the Marines are after you. Good luck with that.

Mr.Diggle: if you’re a cook, it is mandatory for you to fight him, and he will fight back (watch out for knives, pans and rock-hard biscuits). Otherwise don’t fight him, or your next supper might contain something worse than lead. That is, if you get a supper at all.

Mr. Wall:seeMr. Diggle.

Thomas Armitage: fight him unless he has a gun. Watch out for Tozer, just in case.

ThomasHartnell:no. He’ll be confused and distressed and will probably just let you punch him. You’re better than this. Don’t fight.

John Morfin: end his suffering by getting him some quality painkillers, not by fighting him.

Magnus Manson:seeDavid Young.

Thomas Evans:seeDavid Young.

Sir John Ross: this man survived Blanky. Let that sink in and stay away.

Sir James Ross: first of all, why? Also fighting him means fighting Sir John Ross, the whole Admiralty and Crozier. Stay away.

Neptune, JackoandFagin the cat:I will find you and you will rue the day you were born.
