#william powhida

‘Fake Death Scene’ by Yinka Shonibare. I have been challenged to help share art on Faceb

‘Fake Death Scene’ by Yinka Shonibare.

I have been challenged to help share art on Facebook. The game goes, if you like this post I will assign an artist for you to discover and share with your friends.

My buddy Sabe assigned me Yinka Shonibare, a British Nigerian artist living in London whose work explores cultural identity and colonialism. I had never heard of him before, but a quick google and Pinterest search later, I am suddenly finding some cool shit. This piece above is entitled 'Fake Death Picture’. I encourage you to check out Yinka’s website. His work spans a range of mediums including Painting, Sculpture and Film.

You should also check out William Powhida, who Sabe originally shared on Facebook and whose work I love.

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