#windows film festival

Name Danielle YenLocation  Los Angeles, CAWhat do you do?Actress/Model/Writer. Self-starting Taiwane

Name Danielle Yen

Location Los Angeles, CA

What do you do?


Self-starting Taiwanese, Mandarin, and English speaking professional who is results driven with over 2.5 years of experience in the fashion and film industry in several different countries.

✓ Runway model for London, New York, and Paris Fashion Week.
✓ Actress in major projects and face of Sony Xperia Z3 and Dyson Supersonic global campaign in 2015-2016.
✓ Director of PR and Marketing at Windows of Formosa Film Festival.
✓ Columnist/Writer at Commonwealth Magazine, Crossing.
✓ Founder of Alist Studio

More Websitehttp://danielleyen.wixsite.com/official/about-me

ContactFacebook: Danielle.yen

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