#winter embroidery

As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here:

As winter is coming soon, I thought this was a pretty pair of mittens.  It’s actually for sale here: https://www.livemaster.ru/item/11588377-aksessuary-varezhki-s-ruchnoj-vyshivkoj-milye02  but as you can see the pattern itself is pretty straighforward and is sewn using yarn instead of typical DMC floss.  

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