#winter soldier steve

My role reversal fill for the @buckybarnesbingo! I teamed up with @dreadlockholiday who is writing a

My role reversal fill for the @buckybarnesbingo! I teamed up with @dreadlockholiday who is writing a fic to go with the art!

Summary:The man standing a few feet in front of him is holding a heavy gun in his hand, the barrel aimed right between Bucky’s eyes. The weapon doesn’t shake, doesn’t waver; it’s ramrod straight just like the arm that’s holding it. 

A metal arm, Bucky notices. His blood grows cold like the ice in those unforgiving eyes staring at him. 


-All that glitters is not gold; sometimes it’s just a glowy capsule that projects you into a completely different dimension.

 Check it out here!


Collaborator:@marvelcollabcupid and @dreadlockholiday

Square Filled: C4 (Role reversal)

Ship: Bucky/Mirror Bucky/Mirror Steve

Rating: art G/fic explicit (eventually)

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