#winx club au




Maribat Winx Club AU Part 1

  • It was a beautiful day on the planet of Miracul
  • The planet Miracul was a beautiful planet full of magic and energy
  • The planet was home to the most powerful magical artifacts in all of magix (the magic dimension)
  • These artifacts were call the miraculous each held the ability to call powerful spirits to help the one who possess their artifact
  • The miraculous were guarded by the royal family generation after generation, it was their duty to make sure that the miraculous never fell into the wrong hands
  • It was to this family that Princess Marinette was born into with King Roland, Queen Clarisse, and the 5 year old Prince Jason
  • All loved the newest member of the family especially the young prince Jason
  • Jason: Is she going to be a fairy like you are mommy?
  • Clarisse: Yes dear, she most likely will. She’ll be the fairy of energy like me
  • Roland: And if she’s not a fairy you and I will teach her everything we know about fighting, right son?
  • Jason: Right dad! But until then I promise I’ll protect her! Together we’re going to be the best guardians of the miraculous yet! Right Marinette?
  • Marinette let out a giggle in response which Jason took as a yes
  • In the next months Jason was practically glued to his sister if not in lessons
  • He could always get her to stop crying and was always able to calm her down
  • The people also loved their prince and princess they knew that the future of Miracul was in good hands with those two
  • The kingdom was at peace for 6 months after Marinette was born, but then the Dark Ones attacked
  • The Dark Ones was a group of evil witches and wizards who want to take the powers of the miraculous for themselves and use that power to take over the magix dimension
  • Roland and Clarisse fought bravely with their allies, friends, and people of Miracul, but it was not enough
  • So with a heavy heart they sent their two children away
  • The hallway of the castle was in chaos as Queen Clarisse lead her son through the castle trying to get him to the magic portal
  • The palace shook as another attack hit their home
  • They were almost to the portal when Clarisse heard screams from down the hall
  • She knew what that meant. It meant that the Dark Ones had gotten into the palace and that she needed to protect her children at all cost
  • Queen Clarisse bent down so she was eye level with her son
  • Clarisse: Jason I need you to take Marinette to the portal room. You two need to go through the portal to somewhere safe. Do you understand?
  • Jason: Yes mommy
  • Clarisse: Good, take your sister and keep her safe
  • Clarisse hand Marinette, wrapped in her baby blanket that had her name stitched on it, over the Jason
  • Clarisse: I love you my children, I will always love you
  • Jason: I love you too mommy
  • The mother and son took off in opposite directions, Clarisse going to defend her home and Jason going to save his sister
  • As Jason made it to the portal room he ran to the portal
  • Jason *whispering*: Please send us somewhere safe
  • As Jason was about to step into the portal one of the Dark Ones blasted their way into the room. The shock wave sent Jason flying to the side of the room
  • Dark One: Well well lucky me I can take care of both royal brats with one blow
  • Jason shakily stood up: I will never let you hurt my sister
  • Dark One: We’ll see about that
  • The Dark one shot a blast at the twin children but Jason dodge desperate to get back to the portal and get his sister to safety
  • Jason was just about the jump through the portal when he felt something wrap around his waist. Jason looked down to see and energy rop wrapped around him
  • At that moment Jason knew what he had to do
  • Jason looking down at Marinette: I love you Marinette
  • With that Jason gently put Marinette into the portal
  • Jason turning around: Some where you’ll never find her!
  • The Dark One let out a scream in frustration letting the energy rope disperse and sent a energy blast at Jason that hit him in the head and sent him flying through the portal
  • Dark One: NO!!!
  • It was then that the damage to the castle was too much and the portal was crushed by the falling ceiling making it so the Dark Ones would not be able to follow the young siblings
  • That day the kingdom of Miracul fell its people and royal family seemed to disappear in a single day
  • Only a small group of the King and Queen closest allies were able to escape, but none were able to say how
  • The kingdom of Miracul and the Miraculous themselves were lost, but the Dark Ones were also destroyed in the attack
  • It was a rainy day in Gotham, one of the biggest cities in the Magix dimension and a major hub of travel with all the major schools located around or near the city when Bruce Wayne, a teacher for Red Fountain a school for hero’s, and his 8 year old adopted son Dick Grayson, found Jason in and ally way with a new white streak in his hair
  • Jason was taken into the family after an extensive search for his family
  • Made harder because Jason couldn’t remember anything except for his own name
  • The Wayne’s could only find out one thing about Jason that he was from the planet Miracul and as far as anyone knew the only survivor from that dark day
  • On a planet far from the others of the magix dimension named Earth in the city of Paris Marinette was found on a pile of flour sacks by a pair of bakers named Tom and Sabine Dupen-Cheng
  • The two bakers fell instantly in love with the young baby girl and her big blue eyes
  • They did everything they could to find the girl’s family but it seemed they just didn’t exist
  • So they took in Marinette, keeping her name the same
  • As Marinette grew older she developed a love for fashion and design
  • Marinette was always so energetic and whenever her parents’ machines would die all Marinette had to do was touch them and it was like a new life would be put in them
  • Everything seemed perfectly normal until one night when Marinette was 16 she found a dark skinned girl fight what could only be described as a ogre and a group of nasty looking bugs in the park across from her home
  • Marinette could tell that the girl was in trouble so she grabbed a near by branch and ran into the battle
  • Marinette: How about you pick on somebody your own size
  • Marinette ran up to the ogre and smashed the branch over his head
  • The branch broke in two on impact
  • Ogre turning to face Marinette: Hey that hurt!
  • The girl: Well this is going to hurt a lot more
  • The girl shot what looked to be a orange energy beam at the ogre
  • The big bug like creatures started to surround Marinette
  • Marinette: Hey get away from me!
  • Suddenly a pink, electricity like, energy shot from Marinette hands zapping the monsters away
  • Ogre: Oh no not another fairy I got to get out of here!
  • The ogre opened what looked like a portal and he and the remaining bug like creatures ran through it
  • The girl: Wow girl you have some major winx
  • Marinette: What are you talking about what were those things
  • The girl introduced herself as Alya daughter to a noble family on a planet called Zenith
  • Marinette invited the girl to stay with her family so she could rest up a bit
  • Marinette explains to her parents that her friend just needed a place to stay for the night
  • Of course they agreed not having the heart to turn away the girl
  • Alya told Marinette everything she new about magic and the magix dimension
  • She even told Marinette about the school she was going to called Alfea, one of the best schools for fairies
  • As the girl’s talked Alya convinced Marinette to come with her and train her powers
  • Marinette felt like she was in a dream
  • But there was only one problem
  • How was they going to convince her parents to let her attend a school on another planet, or at least the magic actually exists
  • It took a lot of effort but once Alya actually took them to Alfea they had no choice but to believe the girls
  • They didn’t want to hold their daughter back from her full potential
  • They tried to go in to talk to the headmistress, Ms. Faragonda, to get Marinette registered but because they were not magical beings they couldn’t enter the campus
  • Marinette promise her parents she would talk to the headmistress and be out as soon as possible with her
  • Ms. Faragonda did not know what to think of this small girl who claim to be from Earth and a fairy
  • There hadn’t been fairies on Earth for hundreds of years, so how could Marinette be one
  • Faragonda could sense the magic radiating off Marinette
  • She hadn’t felt this much energy since Clar-
  • No it was better not to go there, even the thought was impossible
  • But Faragonda couldn’t get the thought out of her head especially after meeting Marinette’s “birth parents” and sensing absolutely no magical energy in either of them
  • But either way Marinette was accepted into the school with all the other first year fairies
  • Marinette was in the same dorm room as Alya along with three other girls
  • Alix a Fairy of the Wind, Rose a Fairy of Nature, and Julika a Fairy of Music
  • The girls soon became close friends
  • Marinette made another close friend with one of the teacher’s, Ms. Graham de Vanily, nephews Adrien
  • Adrien was studying at Red Fountain, but really wanted to be a sorcerer, but his father would never let him transfer to a different school
  • Marinette believed that people should be able to follow their dreams so she offer to teach him everything she learned about magic
  • Adrien agreed immediately and soon the two became closer than ever
  • Alya and Rose loved to tease Marinette that her and Adrien would end up together but Marinette didn’t have those types of feeling for Adrien
  • Marinette took her studies very seriously
  • She was determined to show everybody that she belonged at the school
  • One the hardest tasks was getting her wings
  • It like it came second nature to her friends
  • Alya would transform into an orange and white crop top and skirt combo with oval shaped white wings
  • Alix would transform into a blue and white romper with sharp looking blue wings
  • Julika transformed into a lavender dress with darker shade of purple wings that were cresent shape
  • And Rose would transform into a pink dress with white capti leggings with a lighter shade of pink wings that were shaped like leaves
  • Marinette wasn’t able to transform until she and Adrien ran into a pushy witch who wouldn’t leave Adrien alone until Marinette stepped in
  • That seemed to anger the witch who turned all her negative attention onto Marinette
  • With the incentive of staying alive and Marinette was able to transform into red dress with little black sparkles with pale blue wings
  • A couple of good energy blast from Marinette scared the witch away in no time
  • Marinette did meet somebody she was very much interested in when Adrien introduced her and her friends to his friends at Red Fountain
  • They were all able to meet up on a school holiday called Founders Day
  • Adrien waving his arms to get the girls’ attention: Hey over here you guys
  • Marinette seeing Adrien: Look guys there’s Adrien
  • Marinette ran over to Adrien wrapping him up in a hug
  • Adrien: I’m glad I can finally introduce you girls to my friends.
  • Alya: And we can’t wait to meet your friends
  • Adrien: Guys I would like to introduce Nino, my best friend besides Marinette, Jon, and Damian they are go to Red Fountain with
  • Rose: It’s very nice to meet you guys!
  • Marinette: Adrien has told me so much about you all
  • Jon jumping in to shake Marinette’s hand: And Adrien has told us so much about you!
  • Damian stepping in: Jon leave the poor girl alone. Hello I’m Damian Wayne it’s a pleasure to meet you
  • Damian grabbed Marinette’s hand and place a kiss on her knuckles
  • Marinette could fell heat rush to her cheeks
  • Marinette could hear Rose squeal about how romantic the gesture was
  • Alya: So are y'all going to be participating in the big race
  • Nino: Jon and Damian are I’m actually going to be the DJ of the event
  • Alya: Oh really? Can I interview for my blog? I’m doing a big piece about the event
  • Nino: Sure dudette! How about you come with me while I set up, you can ask all the questions you want and still be able to watch the race
  • Alya: Sounds great! I’ll see y'all later!
  • Adrien: So are any of you going to be participating in the race?
  • Marinette: Alix is, she’s on the practice track right now
  • Jon: Oh really should we be worried
  • Rose: Well she is a Fairy of the Wind so I’d say yes
  • Julika: Speed is literally part of her powers
  • Rose spotting some flowers: Oh look at this flowers! Let’s go check it out Julika!
  • Rose grabbed Julika’s arm and dragged her away
  • Marinette laughing: Rose in a nature fairy so she is very into plants
  • Adrien: I hope she doesn’t get too distracted Alix would hate if they missed the race
  • Marinette: Julika wouldn’t let her miss it! We all know how much this means to Alix
  • Damian with a faux look of hurt on his face: Oh does that mean you won’t be cheering for us
  • Jason popping up beside Damian: and why would she cheer for you Demon Spawn when she could be cheering me on
  • Damian: Oh no
  • Marinette giggling: Demon Spawn?
  • Damain: That is my idiot brothers’ awful attempt at as a joke
  • Dick popping up on the other side of Damian: Aww that hurts Baby Bird
  • Damian: Will you stop with the nicknames
  • Tim popping up behind Marinette and putting his hands on her shoulders: Yeah guys your embarrassing him in front of this lovely lady.
  • Damian: Don’t you have a wall to crash into or something
  • Jason: Well that’s not very nice. How about you introduce us to your lovely lady friend
  • Damian just glared at his intruding brothers
  • Adrien stepping in: Actually this is Marinette, she’s the fairy that’s been teaching me magic
  • Adrien: Marinette, these are the Wayne boys they’re all adopted by are hand to hand combat teacher, Bruce Wayne, well all except Damian. He’s Bruce’s birth son. That’s Dick Grayson he’s the oldest and right now he’s a student teacher at Red Fountain. Jason Todd and Tim Drake, they’re both juniors.
  • Jason: The best Juniors!
  • A horn was blown over the speaker system
  • Jon: That’s the signal for the racers to get ready we better go
  • Jason grabbing Damian in a headlock: Come on Demon Spawn let’s go
  • Damian: Release me Todd!!!
  • Jon blushing: I guess I better be going
  • Adrien also blushing: I’ll be rooting for you Jon
  • As the boys walked away Marinette looked and Adrien with a smug smile on her face
  • Marinette: So does the little sorcerer in training have a crush on a hero?
  • Adrien: Oh shut up! Don’t think I didn’t see you blushing at Damian back there
  • The race was one of the most exciting things Marinette had ever seen
  • Alix won the race which she promptly rubbed into the Wayne boys’ faces
  • They took it in good stride and demanded a rematch
  • After the race there was a dance
  • Damain and Marinette spent the whole dance together, dancing and talking about anything and everything
  • As the school year went on the girls got closer to the Red Fountain boys
  • Soon they were spending every weekend in Gotham hanging out together as one big group
  • Marinette never missed and opportunity to tease Adrien about Jon
  • And Adrien made sure to return the favor by teasing Marinette about Damian
  • It was nearing the end of the school year and that meant finals were coming up
  • The Red Fountain boys had to do an obstacle course with different teams depending on which grade the boys were in
  • The girls were able to watch the boys finales and they all did very well
  • Damian was determined to impress Marinette with his skills
  • He wanted to make a lasting impression on her and maybe ask her out when he and the rest of their friends go to Earth to visit
  • Sadly Alfea did not allow the boys to watch their friends’ finals
  • For the girls they had to enter a virtual reality chamber and bring and a “dead” planet back to life
  • The planet was chosen randomly by the chamber itself
  • Marinette was the last one to go and much to Faragonda’s surprise planet chosen for Marinette was Miracul
  • Miracul was never chosen by the chamber before
  • Marinette didn’t know what to think of the planet that was chosen for her
  • It was cold and dark frozen waste land
  • Marinette started by spreading seeds around that only needed magic to grow
  • With the plants growing Marinette started to try and warm the planet by parting the clouds and letting sunshine in
  • It was a lot of work, but Marinette was able to do it
  • She was almost complete when she started to hear a voice calling her name
  • The Voice: Marinette, Marinette. Come to me Marinette!
  • Marinette followed the strange voice as it beckoned her into a cave
  • The Voice: Marinette come fulfill your duty. Protect the Miraculous
  • Marinette: What’s a Miraculous?
  • The Voice: Come Marinette
  • As Marinette drew closer to the voice she found was a black ring with a green paw on it.
  • The Voice: Take this and keep it safe. Don’t let anybody know you have this.
  • Marinette couldn’t explain it but she followed the voice’s comands
  • She hid the ring in her pocket and complete her exam
  • Which she passed with flying colors
  • As Marinette said goodbye to her friends the ring still sat in her pocket safe from any prying eyes
  • As Marinette stepped through the portal back to Earth she couldn’t help but feel like something big was about to begin
  • In a dark cave somewhere in the Magix universe the spirits of the Dark Ones gathered
  • Dark One: Do you feel that?
  • Dark One: It’s a Miraculous!
  • Dark One: the Miraculous were lost along with Miracul!
  • Dark One: They must have only been hidden!
  • Dark Ones: Only somebody from Miracul’s royal line could bring a Miraculous out of hiding!
  • Dark One: We must find this person and get them to bring us all the Miraculous!
  • Dark One: And we’ll do that with some help from our coven
  • As the Dark One said that a light is shined silhouetting the still alive members of the Dark Ones coven
  • Lila: Dont worry ancient ones we’ll get the Miraculous and destroy whoever the remaining member of the Miracul royal line is!

Please don’t hate me for the cliff Hanger but it was the Perfect place to end part 1. I hope you like it!

I love it
