#wip wendnesddsay



Got tagged today byyy @crackinglamb,@johaeryslavellan,@in-arlathan​,@fiadhaisteach​,@iarollane​, and in the past by @faerieavalon​ & @dreadfutures​ THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE, HOLY CRAPCAKES.

ok so Imma drop my art/writing below the cut >:3


taking a brief break working on my hoard of Dragon Age to revisit some other comfort characters uwu


here’s a big chunk of writing since I never do WIP wedneesdesdsay and will be some time before I do another! Far off snippet fromThe Guardian(which I’m considering renaming…open to suggestions for those who’ve read? lol)


Maordrid bowed quietly, ignoring Cullen’s narrowing eyes as they all moved to give Dorian and Yin the room.

Time to get a head start on the warders today, she thought as the last one out, pulling the door shut,but it caught on something and she whipped back to correct, but saw a hand holding it open. Solas slipped through behind her into the hallway and shut it with nary a click. The others were already gone, leaving them alone.

“In a hurry to be somewhere?” 

His voice. Oh, that sultry, velvetvoice. 

And he looked so smug, too.

Solas stepped into the fading light of the day pouring through the gaping hole in the wall, a lazy smile on his face. He was dressed as he had been the first day she’d seen him, but he looked healthy and…beautiful. Carved with a loving hand from stone and imbued with everlasting life.

Such a stark contrast to the man she had seen poring over foci the other day.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she remembered to answer, crossing her arms. He faced her, eyes trailing down her form, very much undressing her in his mind.

“Yes.” He stepped forward, toes first as though testing the ground on which he stood. She mirrored the movement, strafing. A playful smile pricked at his lips as he cocked his head. 

“And get me alone? That would mean you win.” She paused. “The spectral touch was nice, pun unintended. Is that on the table?”

A blush appeared high on his cheekbones. “There is a wicked gleam in your eye.”

“And there is a dark one in yours.” He looked like he wanted to deny it. “That blush in your ears–is that a yes, then?”

Beneath her cloak, she traced the air and sent a tendril of her aura curling around his hand like a vine. He dropped his eyes to it, lifting the limb a little. With her opposite, another tickled up the side of his neck and traced along the blade of his ear. His breath hitched–she smiled, turning…

Solas’ hand closed around her wrist, but they both froze and sprang apart as the door opened to admit Dorian. He was looking at his feet, expression hidden as he closed the door with both hands, but their sudden movement drew his attention. His moustache tilted up to one side, revealing a devious smile.

“Your faces are more guilty than a pair of thieves caught in the act.” He snickered as she redoubled her efforts to escape. “Flee the scene, dear, I’m right behind you.”

TAGGING FORTH TO @serial-chillr​ (I WILL come after you) & @designfailure56​ ksjdfhjkf I don’t know anyone else so I TAG BACK TO ALL OF YOU FOR NEXT WEEK
