#wisdom of the oracle deck


Lezlee - Month of July Reading - Wisdom of the Oracle Deck and Sacred Rebels Oracle

Big Picture Guidance for the month of July - The Word Wants to be Written

Welcome to July - the month of 6 shifting retrograde planets, calling us to turn our attention inward and get reflective. This month you may find yourself recycling thought patterns you believed you laid to rest ages ago. Suddenly you find yourself revisiting patterns of shame, worthiness and social and familial constructs about what success is or isn’t; whether you are or are not successful. These ghosts aren’t content to merely haunt your career and financial thoughts, they also drift in and out of relationships both old and new. Am I lovable, am I worthy, can I have it, can I keep it?

You’re being asked to consciously consider these old scripts - make the ghosts visible, invite them for tea. The more you try to dodge these ghosts, the more you embed shame like a sliver, deep in the heart of your creative energy and relationships.

Your power this month comes from making peace with these old ghosts - the shame they spook you with is not truthful, only a product of their own conditioning and shame they feel compelled to share with you. Deep breaths, trust the sacred rebel within to dispel these spirits and reconnect you firmly to your gorgeous, worthy self.

July 1-8 - Treasure Island {protected}

July begins with Mars sliding firmly into retrograde creating tensions with our energy, ambitions and how we communicate with others. For you, you may find the first week in July to be one of inner angst and turmoil. You may feel anxious about the present and the future. Do you have enough? Enough money, enough success, enough happiness, enough connection, enough love? And even if you do, you may find yourself worrying about how to hold on to things you have. Consider places where you are telling yourself stories about limitations, lack, or fear of loss. Each of these stories creates thought forms, which create mental prisons that firmly prevent you from enjoying your life and relationships. There is great opportunity to expand your creativity and abundance, but you will have to gift yourself with a Get Out of Jail Free card first.

July 9-15th - Thinker

The second week in July your normally logical and rational mind comes back online. Last week’s ghosts have dissipated and you are able to assess the facts and make reasoned and informed decisions about life and love. This is a time to focus on calculated action. Decide what it is you want, create a plan or strategy, and focus on the steps it will take to get you there. Make lists, write in a journal, dialogue with Spirit through mediation or prayer. With so many planets in retrograde, you may find this is not time to make great gains with your plans, but it is a most excellent and auspicious time to get clear about what you want and figure out how you are going to get it.

July 16th - 22nd - New Life {protected}

The third week in July builds on the first two - you’re still preoccupied with creating the circumstances, and relationships that you believe will improve the quality of your life. You’re likely to gain clarity about your desire for  new beginnings, fresh perspectives and change - however, you’re still in reversal - and these retrograde planets aren’t helping your cause! Now is the time to plant seeds, and allow. Get into Divine partnership with spirit, and get out of the way. Miracles will manifest if you trust the process and give it time. Pushing for outcomes this week is likely to take you backwards, rather than forwards. Patience!

July 23rd - 31st - Time to Go

The final week of July sees you making some decisions about what needs to be released in order to make room for the new beginnings you are hoping for. Your clarity of thought from the second week in July carries forward - you know its time to bless and release things that aren’t delivering - if it doesn’t feed your spirit or light you up - its time to Let. It. Go. You’re readying  yourself for new adventures, and you can’t take that trip when you are bogged down with things that have outlived their value.

The overall guidance for this month is to release feelings of unworthiness or shame - feelings that may be binding you to things, relationships, or out grown opportunities that no longer enhance your life. When you love yourself, you won’t seek validation or feel-good from things that just don’t deliver, no matter how much you might wish they did.

Love yourself. Let go.

Have a beautiful July!


April - Month of July Reading - Wisdom of the Oracle Deck and Sacred Rebels Oracle

Big Picture Guidance for the month of July - Trust Yourself

July and August are heavier months with 6 planets moving in and out of retrograde. This is a time of shifts, and many will experience this energy as unsettling, as if we are trying to hold ourselves steady during an earthquake tremor. Something inside feels a little off center, a little queasy.

As July begins you may feel off kilter, something has shifted, something has changed, and in so doing, youhave been changed, only you may not quite know how. This is a time to trust, trust yourself, trust your family, your friends, trust that you reside in a benevolent universe and things are unfolding in miraculous ways, you may not yet comprehend. 

This oracle advises you not to resist any points of instability in your life right now. The instability is a growing pain leading to greater consciousness, more connection, more love, more light. The instability you may be feeling is not a sign of sickness, but rather a sign of growth. 

Your power this month comes from trusting your ability to flow through this time with acceptance and grace. You’re growing, evolving - everything is right on track. 

July 1-8 - By The Book

July begins with Mars sliding firmly into retrograde creating tensions with our energy, ambitions and how we communicate with others. By the Book relates to abiding by social rules, family or cultural customs and Universal or Divine laws. There is a time to resist or push against structure or rules, and with current Mars energies, you may feel unduly rebellious. 

This first week in July will present opportunities for you to reality check your ability to walk your talk and remain in alignment with your highest intentions. Seek the greater good of your family, friends and community - even if it means biting your tongue.  See if you can find patience and understanding for those who push your buttons. You know they are who they are as a result of their lived experiences, culture, environment and relationship experiences. Your deep compassion for others heals you just as much as it deepens connections with them.

July 9-15th - Why {protected}

With so many planets in retrograde it’s no wonder you may find yourself turning inward and being reflective this week. You may find yourself caught up in “why” questions - why did this happen, why am I the way I am, why can’t I think myself out of these feelings/thoughts. Why?

Why is a tricky question. It can leave us defensive, building walls of rationalizations, justifications and excuses. Why questions can immobilize, leave us seeking for information we may never access. This week notice where you might be hung up on the why question. How does that feel? Remember, you don’t need to know why to let go, and move forward. 

July 16th - 22nd - To the Sea 

The third week in July moves you from ruminating over “whys” to finding a quiet stillness inside of yourself. You breathe a little deeper and easier. Your mind calms, your attention expands to include all the places of peace and ease that are available to you. This week you are being called to surrender. Let go. Cease resisting and just be. This can be a tall order when you’ve been feeling overwhelmed - but you will answer the call to rest, recoup and trust the flow.

Think of how much more energy we would have if we weren’t constantly trying to change what is, if we quit struggling and resisting? 

July 23rd - 31st - Message in a Bottle 

If July has been a bit of an emotional whirlwind, this last week brings good news through serendipity and synchronicity. There is unseen excellence at work in the world and in your life you are being called to attend to it. Pay attention to messages that resonate and lift your spirit. We amplify our connection to receive such messages, when we tune in and notice all the things that work in our life. This last week of July would be a great time to keep a daily gratitude journal and write out the things you are grateful for.  The more you are able to notice what is working well for you and making you feel happy, the happier you will feel. 

Wishing you a fabulous July!


Tracey - Month of July Reading - Wisdom of the Oracle Deck and Sacred Rebels Oracle

Big Picture Guidance for the month of July - Against the Grain

Feeling the desire to tell some hard truths? July may well be your month as you are being called to be your most authentic self, even if it means going against the grain. You are more aware than ever before that authenticity is your calling card, not something you do, but something you are. Now is the time to accept who you are, the highs, lows, good, less good - all the chaos and the mess.  

Take some time this month to reflect on your authenticity - is your outward expression in alignment with your internal truth? Where do you speak up, where don’t you?  Trust the way you are moving through the world  and expressing your truths as you see them. Don’t worry about who you may disrupt with your truth telling. Remember, when you’re biting your tongue to keep the peace, you attract those who are also afraid to be authentic and speak. When you are authentic, true to yourself, you attract people who are authentic and best able to understand, support and celebrate you.

Your power this month comes from aligning your outward self with your inner truth. The closer you get to this objective, the more you will thrive and shine!

July 1-8 - Soul Mates Reversed

July begins with Mars sliding firmly into retrograde creating tensions with our energy, ambitions and how we communicate with others. The Soul Mates reversed card, highlights the relationships in your life, whether long term or brief interactions, that stimulate  opportunities to transform and evolve, taking you to the next level of self-awareness, insight, authenticity and healing. 

Soul mates aren’t all about love, romance, and happy ever after. Soul mates sometimes deliver our toughest relationship challenges and greatest opportunities to learn about ourselves. Of course, its nice to find yourself powerfully drawn to someone exciting, but this month, with Mars in retrograde, it is just as likely you may learn through a strong aversion to someone. If someone(s) pushing your buttons the trick is to see the opportunity in the relationship exchange, even if it feels like anything buta gift. 

You are being led to consider old patterns and stories you hold about yourself, how you think, feel and move in the world - particularly as it relates to how you manage relationships with others. Of course this may not feel comfortable, the call to growth seldom is. Notice this week, the places where you have especially strong responses or reactions to other people. Don’t waste your time trying to figure out what/why they are “doing” this or that “to” you – instead ask, “What can I learn about myself in this interaction?”

July 9-15th - Regeneration

The second week in July, relationship matters ease up a bit, and your focus shifts  to exploring new opportunities and second chances. It may be that you are rising from a situation you initially thought a “failure” and now have the presence and peace of mind to see it for what it actually was – an opportunity to let go of all that does not serve you. 

You are now better able to create and be a new version of yourself, one who moves through the world a little lighter, brighter and wiser. Regeneration reminds us life and circumstances happen in seasons; time to plant, time to grow, time to harvest, time to lay dormant and regenerate. 

Consider what seeds you’d like to plant with the New Moon on the 12th of July. Seek out opportunities for growth, new possibilities that are so much better than those that came before. Don’t limit your thinking, dreaming or believing. Write what you want down and keep it close, you’ll want to reflect on these thoughts, feelings and ideas, as they truly do mark a rebirth. You’ll also want to begin paying attention to your ability to manifest the things you most want. Don’t play small here, dream BIG.

July 16th - 22nd - Mending 

The next 8 weeks are heavy and slow, with 6 planets drifting in and out of retrograde inviting you to turn your attention inward.  In the third week of July you may find yourself revisiting mistakes you feel you have made. Following the Full Moon in  Capricorn, your thoughts are likely turning to pragmatic, earth sign considerations; work, money, abundance and success. Maybe you have made some mistakes; things that seemed like great ideas or investments at the time, turned out to be burdens not gifts. Maybe it’s about feeling like you don’t have the abundance or success you thought you would at this time in your life. Maybe its just a quiet certainty that you can do and be more. 

Mending is a gentle reminder that some healing may need to happen and forgiveness is of the essence. You may find that you are the person most needing (and deserving) of your forgiveness. The energy needs to clear, and in order for that to happen you must remain truthful, let yourself see any losses, grieve openly and heal. 

Forgive yourself, mistakes are mistakes, don’t get caught up blaming yourself - that only immobilizes you and fixes you in a past moment you’ve already experienced. Be gentle with yourself. Let it go. 

July 23rd - 31st - The Tribe 

The final week of July returns your attention to relationships. You may choose to spend time with people who you feel truly “get you” and who are able to nurture your healing and emerging sense of self. You’re not the same you that you were only a short time past. You’ll want to spend time with people who not only support you, but who will also champion and celebrate your transformation. 

It may be time for you to commit your energy to a group of people, or an activity that serves the “greater good”. In helping others, your value and worth is restored, and your spirit will shine. You have something to offer others because of your recent challenges and internal growth. Look for people and opportunities that invite you to bring your emerging awareness and growth to the table, in a manner that is harmonious with your authentic self.

Wishing you a fabulous July!
