#wish it was wraithxspirit



animals in the entity’s realm are fabricated, they are not real

the entity feeds on strong emotions, killer rage, desperation, hope, affection, etc. killers and survivors feed the entity equally.

the entity doesnt think like we do, entity doesnt see whats going on, it doesnt monitor. anything that gives bloodpoints feeds the entity, or is part of the entity.

the entity is growing in power when it feeds. It uses whats in within its own world to extend its power outside. creates holes in the real world to get new people, uses energy gained to spread.

we dont know if anyone ever escaped, may or may not be possible to escape.

if survivors or killer dont want to participate, they are flushed by the entity and sent do the void where there are nothing but shells or other survivors and killers.

killers can die in the entity’s realm. entity has a more infinite relationship with killers. killers who dont want to participate are willed by the entity by force.

a mori is a gift to the killer, entity allows killers to kill survivors by their own hands.

there is a fog when the entity takes people.

Benedict baker and vigo. benedict is still a survivor, vigo WAS a survivor. ben is someone who in the real world was looking into finding the entity to get into the realm. vigo is a researcher and inventor, he invented magical contraptions, he researched the biology of the entity.

trapper tortured, beat up, and killed people for his father.

alex could be a character they use at some point, alex toolbox is a easteregg. its named after a dev tester.

its possible killers see each other, some are rivals, most are neutral. nurse/wraith is canon.

laurie is oldest timeline as of now. Trapper was not the first killer.

trapper was tortured to become a killer. some killers have some humanity, some dont, injuries come from power given from the entity or corruption or torture.

the entity can sense killer potential. its why it took rin, because she had the potential. the entity was originally there for her father, but during the event the entity changed it’s mind. the potential is like a smell.

phillip: killed for revenge
lisa: desperate, very willing to get out of her situation.
sally: depressed. entity can corrupt people slowly to get them to cause a tragedy. corrupted sally slowly to get to to do it.
rin: rage. taken away before she got revenge.

the entity does not have emotion like humans do. the entity is incomprehensible. it is biological, but thats it.

every trial is a pocket. it has a position within the entity, the entity is huge like a universe. its a world. it’s made of multiple layers. in one layer we have a pocket that is constructed by the entity. houses, building, animals, all made by the entity. they exist in a time continuum. the time in the entity follows a logic and a timeline.

the basement is close to the source to the source of the pocket. there are multiple sources.

the entity is ancient. entity and cthulhu were bffs and made friendship bracelets.

the entity can go into parallel universes as well.

the huntress is during ww1, ch11 is the oldest killer by a long shot.

a survivor with a journal, a watch, and a journal would be able to count time in the realm. there is no day and night in the realm.

the entity can grab happy people because its getting powerful, the entity can come back to places where it has already poked a hole in the world.

whispers is actually the entity whispering.

there can be a survivor who is also a killer. it is completely possible that a survivor can become a killer and the other way around.

it is canon the trapper and meg are not involved.(DBD is cancelled)

the horse in the clown map is a real horse. the clown is the entity’s favorite.

every survivor is at least 21.
