#wish u all the luck hun




Please help me pay off my court fees!!


Saturday, April 10th: Hi everyone, I’m Gemma, a bi, mentally ill disaster, who’s in desperate need of help as I’m struggling to pay off court fees.

I’m really sorry to be making this post again, but my council tax bill came out earlier than expected, and my account is now overdrawn and I’m back to square one with needing help to pay off these court fees.

As most of you are already aware from my previous post, I have been struggling financially for quite some time due to my welfare benefits being under a review, which is due to my worsening mental health and the UK’s controversial changes to how benefits are assessed and assigned. And at the moment, I’m currently struggling to get by, as I don’t get any help until the end of the month, and I am still awaiting the outcome of my PIPAssessment(April 2021 at the latest)

These court fees are from my court case back in 2017, in which my rent arrears were over £1000. At the time, I had lost a loved one and then my job due to stress and mental health issues and couldn’t afford to pay it. I eventually managed to pay the arrears off, but now I’ve been billed for the court fees of £101.88, which is to be paid in 28 days, or my case will be reopened!!

If anyone could spare any amount to help me, even if it’s just £1/$1/€1, it would literally save my life, and sharing definitely helps just as much as donations. Nobody is obligated in any way to donate if they can’t or don’t want to, I know we’re all struggling right now.



@thebibliosphere@one-time-i-dreamt@posts-from-a-brighter-timeline@orquidia@official-lucifers-child@bihet-dragonize@carry-on-my-wayward-butt@taffybuns@tariqah@toastyglow - Please boost x ♥️

Wednesday, April 14th:

Please consider helping out guys if you possibly can, if anyone could spare anything at all to help, even if it’s just a £1/$1 or a reblog, it would mean so much to me.

Once again, my PayPal is [email protected]. ♥️
