

When I first started foreskin restoration I was wide eyed and perhaps, unrealistic of what the journey would all entail. Here are some things I have learned and experienced (aside from method and technique).  

The first thing was my starting point. When I first started my process and compared myself to the coverage index, I thought I was much higher on the index than I actually was. The index is a good representation of “shower”s who don’t grow much when they become erect. Obviously the photos that they used are appealing examples, as they should, but it might be misleading to your average restorer who may be a grower, like myself. I thought I had started at a 3.5 maybe even a 4, which now I realize was very inaccurate, more like a 2, maybe 2.5. My advice, realize where you are starting, and get a grasp of how far you have to go.  

That leads to my second realization, time.This takes on a few meanings. First, this is a journey, for some men it’s several years, for others, a decade or more. This foreskin restoration has now become part of what I do and who I am. It’s like putting on your watch or tying your shoes, just part of the routine. The second part of time, is how much time you need to invest in the actual restoring process. At first I would wear a device for maybe 4 hours a day, get tired of it, and take it off. BUT, to make actual gains you have to wear a device for 12+ hours a day, constant pressure over long periods of time is the name of the game. If you’re performing manual methods, that means frequent sessions for as long as you can do them, and squeeze them in as frequently as you can. An interesting technique is the “undressed method” by a prominent man who has devised a new method of moving the scar line forward, instead of hiding it. Sounds weird, but look into it. 

Next would be support.As I have said, it takes time, lots of it. Staying committed and motivated is really a big factor. If you do not have a partner to support you, haven’t told your partner, or don’t have anyone you’re close enough with to talk about this, you need to find someone, or a network. Facebook has a hidden group “Foreskin Restoration”, I know it sounds scary to join a group like this if you want to be secret about this, but there are ways around it. If you want a fake account, just talk to the administrators and they will help you out, they’re great guys and everyone part of the group is very nice and welcoming. I became a member of the group only a few months ago and I have learned a lot, and met some really nice people. If you do have a close friend or person in your life, talk to them, you might be surprised how receptive someone may be. 

The last important thing I want to talk about, is motivation.Restoring for almost three years now I know I have not made as much progress as I could have if I had stayed more consistent and aggressive as I should have. I was always able to force coverage, since again I am a grower, but I could only maybe pull my skin to the start of my coronal ridge which made masturbation easier, but wasn’t enough to be considered even the start of a foreskin. Today, after three years I get pretty consistent sitting coverage of my glans, about half way when I am flaccid, and forced coverage while erect I can cover half of my glans. Non-forced erect coverage is non-existent but wrinkles nicely under my coronal ridge. This is by no means bragging, I don’t pack an impressive member by any means, but this goes to show that this is a slow process and takes a lot of mental strength. Once you do see progress though, it is very motivating and propels your efforts to work even harder at it. But, you hit plateaus where using the same device or routine just doesn’t seem to be working anymore. I have hit a really long plateau which seems to have lasted over a year and I need to do something to get over it. Keep learning, keep trying new things new methods, buy a device or learn to make your own. Try a manual method even if you use a device most of the time, it’s like going to the gym, use different machines and exercises to work the same muscles. 

Men, and supportive women of restoring men, it’s a long journey, a very personal one which means so much to so many men. Unless you have been circumcised and want your foreskin back, you cannot understand this struggle and desire like a restoring man. Sure there are similarities across different things that women can experience with breast cancer or what have you, but this is very unique. Not to mention facing a culture which is so pro-circumcision and stigmatizes the male foreskin and shuns men who want theirs back. Keep up the fight, and as they say, keep on tugging.   
