#witch special



Remaking the murals of Kandrakar’s origin from one of W.i.t.c.h special: Core of Kandrakar. I will put my theories and such to make the story more fitting later on. perferbably when im not le tired

See the fresco here!

And here are the nymphs:

Elba, Nymph of the Moon

meaning: “white rock” in Arabic language. Her murals has Moon motifs of the crescent with full moon in the middle. I want her symbol implicates both moon phase and other planets having more than one moon. Her clothes was inspired from a roman statue of the moon goddess, Luna. But her appearance was more of alien-like with sci-fi make-up.

N'ghala, Nymph of the Stars

meaning: “valuable” in Arabic language. Technically, I couldn’t find a proper definition other than divert from “Ghala”. So, I started looking around on Arabic constellation. I found one that sound the same; “Adhara” or “al-Adhara”, which means “the Virgin” or “Nymph”. Her appearance is similar with Elba; more alien like.

Oneide, Nymph of Life

meaning: “up-right rock” or “standing stone” in native American. Her looks was a bit hard to design. I want her appearance something we seen for Life and Death. So I settled for Death in white robe from Janis Rozentāls’ painting with a human looking face instead of a skeleton, opposite from what Grim Reaper depicted. Her motifs is a tree that symbolized Yggdrasil from Norse mythology.

Tea, Nymph of the Sun

meaning: “gift from God” in Greek. Her original look was more of African vibe but when I found her name origin, I changed it a bit but still retain her original look. I made her motif to more simpler but still represent the sun.

Xin Jing, Nymph of Elements

meaning: “calm” or “state of tranquil” in Chinese but that’s depend on how you spell her name. Her looks pretty much the same as Xin Jing depicted; two hair strands on the front, wearing hanfu and make-up. I put Quintessence as her motif because lightning is not usually in Chinese elements and it Quintessence is similar to Yin and Yang.

#fanart    #my art    #witch fanart    #kandrakar    #xin jing    #oneide    #nghala    #witch special    

Remaking the murals of Kandrakar’s origin from one of W.i.t.c.h special: Core of Kandrakar. I will put my theories and such to make the story more fitting later on. perferbably when im not le tired

See the fresco here!

#fanart    #my art    #witch fanart    #kandrakar    #witch special    #remaking    #xin jing    #oneide    #nghala    