#with 100 more smut


Summary: The Alpha/Omega kanthony story that nobody asked for.

Author’s note: Bridgerton broke me and this couple owns me, honestly I tried really hard to sound Bridgerton-y but towards the end I got lazy and tired lol so please ignore my horrible attempts at trying to sound like the show. I just got this idea after all the references to Kate smelling amazing and I couldn’t let it go.

To say it’s overwhelming to be surrounded by so many unfamiliar faces and their barely concealed whispers would be a mere understatement of grand proportions. Kate can feel their judgmental eyes on her skin, she tightens her grip on her sister’s arm tugging her along on their prolonged stroll around the promenade.

Her steps are short and measured, not too rapid whilst not too languid- a stride she taught Edwina with thick novels balanced on her small head a mere three and ten, knowing such behaviors would be expected from her sister. She knew in her heart that they were much more than their orientation but, it was still preferred that Omegas were docile and gentile in mannerisms. And Edwina had all the showing of an Omega.

When Edwina finally presented as an Omega she and Mary were unprovoked as it was expected from the way her sister would obediently follow and listen, she would make an Alpha exceptionally happy one day. Kate herself was a beta, or so it was assumed when she neither went into a heat or a rut when she became of age. The doctors Mary contacted cited the deep grief of losing her father as a factor into her body’s refusal to act but when the next year came and passed it was accepted that Kate was nothing special, just another beta added to the ton.

Ergo, this trip was solely for Bon. Her sweet and gorgeous little sister, who was finally a woman and as such needed to be wed before her next heat. She would need an alpha to suit the heat that would surge through her blood, omegas were dependent on their alphas and Kate would not give her precious sister to anyone undeserving of her devotion. Once an Omega was bonded, they could not love another it was a gift and a curse, moreso the latter in her eyes. But such was Edwina’s fate thus she would work hard this season to find her sister the best match. Someone who would love her and care for her, someone kind and gentle who she could trust with her sister.

“Ah finally a lot worth meeting! Come Sharmas I shall make introductions to the Bridgertons. They are a family brimming with Alphas perchance you will find your match there Miss Edwina.” Lady Danbury stage whispered standing on the other side of her sister, grasping Edwina and redirecting them the clicks of her walking stick loud in the idyllic scenery.

Kate allowed herself to be tugged along as well, glancing off to the side sending a silent prayer that this family would be courteous and not look at them like something vile they had mistakenly stepped in. The Cowpers had left a rancid taste in her mouth just moments ago and she feared her temper could not survive another mishap.

“Lady Bridgerton! It is splendid to see you, I see the entire family is attending this stroll. Good day to you all, please make the acquaintance of the Sharma family I am sponsoring them this season!”

She curtsies, the movement instinctive at this point. Edwina does the same beside her and she can hear Mary introducing herself from her position behind them, the path had not been wide enough to accommodate them all.

Mary introduces her and Edwina as well and her sister is a portrait of a perfect omega, deferring her gaze to the ground just as Kate as schooled her and releasing just enough of scent as to be polite, the air is suddenly filled with sweet vanilla and warmed sugar and she sees the two males in attendance straighten in the wake of the aromatic release. Only one seems to remain unaffected, except an arch of his brow. Everything about him practically screams Alpha she’s near certain, so his reaction must be based on his control. She’s almost impressed most others of his orientation would be peacocking and asserting themselves in light of a sweet and available Omega being in their presence.

“Oh! Lady Danbury we are pleased to make their acquaintance, we look forward to seeing you all. You must join us for tea!”

The woman, Lady Bridgerton is lovely; smiling at them in a fashion that exudes honesty. Her heart aches for the woman as her eye catches the wrinkled mark on her neck, the sign of an Omega’s greatest lost- the death of their true mate. They are said to be exceeding rare and had she not witnessed it between her appa and Mary she wouldn’t have believed it to be anything more than fairytales recited to impressionable young maidens.

Yet, here is another Omega who was involved in a true mate match.

She looks calmly at the remaining members of the family, trusting Mary and Lady Danbury to carry the rest of the conversation as they’ve been doing expertly. She glances at the large bunch- two small children who appear very close in age, a young lady squirming in her dress who sends her an exasperated look she has to stifle her commiserating chuckle, then finally she raises her gaze to the Alphas. Their resemblance is uncanny, all tall and broad. The first one she glances at stares back looking amusedly before shooting her a playful wink, the edge of her lip lifts lightly before her gaze continues on, the next brother has a jovial grin on his handsome face tilting an imaginary hat in her direction. This time she almost bursts out with laughter, but she barely contains her mirth.

Then finally as if pulled by an invisible magnet her gaze is tugged to the sole brother who remained steadfast after Edwina’s subtle reveal. To her utmost shock his eyes are already on her, penetrating deep into her skin with his gaze so sharp she finds herself looking away first- a rarity for her. As she is a Beta such propriety as avoiding an Alpha’s gaze is not pertinent for her to follow but there’s something about him that makes it difficult for her to maintain eye contact.

“Wouldn’t it Kate?” Edwina chirps beside her beatific wide grin on her face.

She’s at a complete loss. She had been idlely following the conversation until him, once their gazes met her head was filled with buzzing too loudly for words to penetrate her ears. She can feel all eyes on her, and each second her nerves feel more and more heightened until she snaps.

“Yes, of course!”

All of the older ladies look satisfied now clustering together and leaving them to their devices. She capitalizes on this small moment of reprieve whispering loud enough for only her sister’s ears.

“What did I just agree to?”

Edwina looks back at the with wide eyes, before responding at the same volume.

“Kate were you not listening? The Bridgertons kindly invited us to a small soiree tonight, it’s our first invitation of the season and by such an affluent family. I also think all three brothers are Alphas, what good luck! Maybe one of them will be my match no?”

She swallows hard. Nodding in supplication once again allowing herself to be guided. Making sure to keep her eyes locked to the ground this time, there’s no true reason she just finds the pathway to be most interesting. That is all.

Anthony is not looking for an Omega. He only needs a viscountess, preferably a Beta or another Alpha. Although female Alphas are few and far in between, Lady Danbury being one of the only ones that he knows. The main reason is because Omegas are too…. dependent, clingy even and simpering. He watched his mother’s world fade to darkeness the day his father died, saw the light leave her eyes in perfect harmony with his father’s last breath. He did not need anything of the sort. Alphas could only bond with Omegas, so he avoided them like the plague. He never wanted to leave behind half a person like his father had, an agreeable marriage was enough for him. This was his personal motto since the role of viscount was prematurely thrusted on his shoulders, he would never fall in love.

He knows what his mother is attempting to scheme, saw the glow in her skin as the Sharma sisters were introduced. Edwina was the image of a satisfactory Omega, all bowed head and sweet scent meant to lure and attract her future mate. The scent was pleasant but it did not stir anything within him, she was beautiful but so young he was almost reminded of Daphne and that was enough for him not to go along with any of his mother’s plotting.

He already had a checklist of suitable matches for himself. Omegas were not on that list.

But it’s difficult to keep his eyes off the Sharma sister. Eyes stalking her every movement as soon as she enters the room. She was quite a vision in deep green, the bodice of her dress tight enough to press her decolletage distractedly high in the air. Her dark hair coiled into a perfect coiffure up-do that leaves her neck bare, no mating mark in his line of sight. He almost sighs in relief, he had already assumed that she was not an Omega, she seemed nothing like her demure sister- he recalls those beguiling huge brown orbs directly gazing into his own eyes.

An Omega could never dare to act quite so bold.

Immediately at their arrival, suitors surround them from all angles but to his astonishment Miss Edwina is the only sister they set their sights on, her dance card filled to the brim in mere seconds- he observes as she bows are head in a perfect show of coyness and humility. An Omega must never show too much hubris. Miss Kate seems nonplussed by the interest shown in her sister, watching over the proceedings as if this is commonplace to her. Her face a blank slate as she glares at each man who requests her sister’s hand, it doesn’t go unnoticed how Miss Edwina subtlety looks to her sister before accepting or declining a dance.

He’s reminded of his own relationship with his siblings, although Colin and Benedict are both Alphas as well he’s the elder Alpha and a dominant, with a pointed look and a tilt of the head he can get either one to obey his commands. Not that he takes advantage of this privilege, he only wants the best for each member of his family and would sacrifice anything to make it so.

For some odd reason he finds himself drawing closer to the ever popular Sharma sisters, their mother residing beside them but not close enough to deter suitors.

He bows his head in greeting and all three ladies curtsy in reply, Miss Edwina bowing the lowest whilst Kate is already ascending from her fairly short descent. Once again her eyes are not locked on the floor as is polite with an Alpha of his status, but he finds that her refusal to balk to social norms does not offend him rather he’s intrigued by this enigma of a woman.

“Lord Bridgerton, you honor us so with your presence, please thank Lady Bridgerton again for her invitation this party is quite exquisite.” Even Lady Mary looks past him, never making direct contact with his eyes.

“I shall carry the message once I am in her company. She will be overjoyed to know you are all in attendance.” His gaze never leaves that of Kate, he watches in amusement as Lady Mary attempts to conspicuously get her to lower her gaze; tugging gently at the waist of her dress. Kate releases a huff of air finally looking down but he can almost feel the defiance wafting off her very being.

“Miss Sharma, could I interest you in a dance?”

Kate speaks first. Eyes still lowered but nothing demure about her even now.

“My sister’s dance card is all but filled my Lord. She was but taking a minute pause before her next par-”

He interrupts her, reaching out to finger the card hanging from her own wrist. Nary a name on there yet and with a grand flourish he reaches into his breast pocket to retrieve his quill pen, he can feel when her eyes drift back up and watch as he scribes his own name onto her card: Anthony Bridgerton.

“Shall we Miss Sharma?” He presents his hand, bowing slightly at the waist while looking into those impossibly large eyes, he’s certain he has never laid eyes on orbs quite so bewitching. She’s lovely there’s no way around that.

She seems to be at a loss for words, gaping at his name on her card and he has to shake the mental image of her mouth open for far more nefarious purposes. Such imaginings are unbecoming of a gentleman.

“She would love to!”

This time, Miss Edwina is the one to answer for her sister none too gently shoving her into him. Kate all but stumbles into his arms, he steadies her with an gentle grip high on her waist- she’s quite tall for a lady only inches separating them in height. It would make certain things fairly simple to accomplish.

Readjusting his hands on her body, he offers the crook of his elbow leading them both onto the dance floor much to the bewilderment of everyone in attendance, it is not common for him join in on the festivities so he knows that his willingness tonight will not go unnoticed.

“You are hardly the first to try to curry my favor to get closer to my sister. This game becomes old fast, it would do you better to court my sister directly. Treat her well and I will have no reason to intervene in your courtship.”

The words are spoken almost if she’s reciting poetry from a book.

“I am offended you would compare me to those unimaginative cads. Every action that I take is intentional, if I desired to dance with your sister I could easily take the place of any man here.” He returns her hard stare, their bodies spinning in perfect synchrony despite the fire between their gazes.

She scoffs loudly. He’s grateful for Eloise in that moment, because of her he’s witnessed such unladylike behavior before and this does not hinder his poise.

“My Lord may I speak candidly?”

He nods bemusedly and eager to hear her thoughts.

“You think far too highly of yourself.”

This time he cannot contain his humor, chuckling lightly at the slight and then further at the unfiltered shock on her face.

“Perhaps our meeting was predestined then, I who think too highly of myself and you who does not think highly enough of herself. We are a pair indeed, there is much we can teach each other.”

Before she can argue against his statement, the music comes to a stop and he releases her despite his body growing accustom to having her near after only one dance. He brings her gloved hand to his lips, placing a soft kiss against the silk and lace. She’s oddly still in his arms and it piques his attention enough for him to raise his eyes, he almost thinks it a trick at first blinking to see if that will undo the sight. But her cheeks are still flushed, her deep bronze skin slightly pinked in a most distracting manner.

They stare at each other for what feels like an eternity, drawn out so long that voices begin to murmur around them as they are the only two remaining on the dance floor. But still they are suspended in time, gazing long and hard at each other. Then she licks her lips in a move that denotes nerves and he finds himself mirroring the motion, and suddenly his senses are awash in an intoxicating odor of….lilies. Before he can fully inhale the sweet floral aroma, she snatches her hand away scurrying from him like a wild animal that’s been cornered.

He watches her escape with a predatory stare. Bringing his hand to his nostril to savor her scent, one whiff is enough to make his head spin.


Her body jostles as she presses her shins deeper into the thick muscles of her horse’s hind, the wind whipping through her hair as she skillfully steers her horse-Nimbus, through the foliage of thicket of trees. The sounds of his gallops are still not enough to drown out the clops of her own heartbeat, and she almost screams in frustration.

Sleep eluding her all night until she could remain in her chambers no longer and took to the stables, opting instead for an early morning ride. The sun is barely peeking over the horizon and she knows that she must return soon before anyone notices her absence, Mary will surely scold her for leaving unchaperoned but she needed a moment to clear her head, empty her mind of him.

Lord Bridgerton.

Their dance had thrown her off kilter to say the least.

She had not been lying when she stated that several men before him had feigned interest in her in a ruse to get closer to her sister. And she had been certain that was what he was planning, he was an Alpha and all Alphas desired an Omega to control and protect. She knew that her sister would make any man who was lucky enough to receive her favor very happy, personally she despised how Omegas were regarded in the world but there wasn’t much she could do about it. Except find a mate who would cherish her sister and not use her orientation as a weapon against her.

She didn’t know enough about Lord Bridgerton to know if he was such a man but true to his word his attention remained on her the entirety of their dance. His eyes never strayed to Edwina and she pondered his true intentions, a man like him had no business with a woman like her.

It wasn’t like he had arrogantly declared, she did not think lowly of herself. She merely understood her role. She was not a diamond like her sister and she had no need to be, she was her sister’s keeper and had been since they were both young. That was her role, she had no time for courtships or fanciful thoughts, her head needed to be tightly screwed on at all times.

But, he was causing her to swivel. If only a bit.

The way he looked at her made her skin burn, she recalled her the way her cheeks ached just last night as he kissed her hand and gazed up at her.

He was handsome, she wasn’t foolish enough to deny that. For a woman of her stature it wasn’t often that a man could make her feel delicate in their hold, and it wasn’t only due to his height but the weight of his body- those barely hidden muscles and his aura. Unlike most alphas she had encountered he did not wear his scent like a cloak, rather he seemed confident in his standing enough to suppress his Alpha scent. But everything about him signaled Alpha nonetheless, it was in his walk, the way he held his shoulders and in the bass of his voice.

He muddled her thoughts and she could not afford any distractions this season, her focus needed to be finding someone suitable for her sister. Not Anthony Bridgerton.


Panting she tugs at Nimbus’ reins halting his gallop into a light trot before stopping him at together. Her long braid has been completely undone by the vigor of her ride and the unforgiving force of the wind. Swinging her leg over she easily dismounts, running a hand through her thick unruly curls hissing as her fingers become tangled in the mess.

“I did not expect to come upon a damsel in distress.”

She closes her eyes praying this is another one of her unwelcome dreams, he had plagued her mind all night.

“Attempting to wish me away? I am afraid I am not so easily ridden of.”

She turns to him with a sneer and is greeted by a lazy grin.

“I am no damsel nor am I in distress. You can be on your way Lord, I am quite fine.”

Ignoring her he also dismounts his much larger horse, taking long strides until they are face to face.

“Are you unchaperoned?” He glances around, looking and finding no other.

“I required alone time to clear my mind. Furthermore, I am perfectly safe. I can care for myself.”

If she were Edwina this would be astronomically dangerous, but she is not an Omega nor coveted by any so her safety is almost guaranteed.

But to say such a thing out loud would only affirm his erroneous claims about her self esteem- or lack there of. She is merely realistic and grounded in her beliefs.

“I have no doubts of your resourcefulness but as a gentleman I shan’t leave you unchaperoned. Allow me to escort you home.”

She nearly huffs in annoyance, he was the one she had been attempting to escape to begin with having him escort her would only heighten her problems.

“That is unnecessary. I will take my leave now, I am certain a viscount must have more important matters to attend to. Please attend to them.”

Remembering her manners she curtsies before spinning around and all but running to her horse.


It’s but a whisper, carried by the morning wind whipping around them.

But she finds herself unable to move, foot caught midair and no matter how she fights her limps will not obey. Terror races through her blood as he draws closer, until she feels a strong grip on her wrist and she’s unceremoniously spun back around.

Lord Bridgerton to his credit seems just as perplexed as she is, his jaw clenching as he stares into her eyes.

“Miss Sharma, you look like you’ve seen a ghost. What ails you so?”

He looks righteously affronted tugging her closer until her head is barely touching his neck. Then sandalwood and the scent of clean linen surround her in a symphony of aromas and without her permission her nostrils inhale deeply, until the scent permeates her lungs and it is all she can smell. Her once thundering heartbeats start to calm and all the anxiety and tension previously held in her body fades away as if vapors exiting her body.

“Breathe, there. Nothing will harm you, I shan’t allow it.”

She doesn’t know what is occurring. This feels oddly familiar. Like she’s witnessed this very scene before.

It takes all of her willpower but she drags herself away from the firm hold that he has on her. His eyes are glazed over, looking at her but not seeing her at the same time. He’s following his instincts she can tell, her distress activated something in him.

“Goodbye Lord Bridgerton.”

She races away before he can stop her. Never before feeling so startled in her life.

Then it comes back to her, all in a sudden.

Her father cradling Mary in his arms, his calming Alpha scent soothing her shaking body. She had only peeked in to see them because of a nightmare of her own, shocked to find her appa comforting the woman she had grown to love as a mother. She had left silently, crawling under her sheets futilely trying to ignore the crash of thunder and slosh of rain against her window pane.

She races back to the Danbury house, mind more jumbled than it was when she first left.

He knows of his natural ability to soothe distressed Omegas, is still haunted by the tremors that wrecked his mother’s emaciated body as she mourned the loss of her true mate, his father. He was the only one old enough to comfort her, Colin and Benedict not yet presented. For as long as he can remember the instinct never surfaced unless a member of his family needed him, until her.

It was nothing like comforting his mother, the urge to defend was almost visceral he could have upended countries for her if it was what she required.

It makes no sense, his body’s reaction to Kate’s apparent unease. She is no Omega, and betas are unable to transmit distress waves yet he could palpably feel her crying to him it was weak no more than a murmur but his body heard it regardless. And reacted, sending his own waves in return and then he felt her melting into him, in a way that shouldn’t be possible for a beta.

It’s clear that she’s avoiding him and instead of taking offense, it applauds her good sense. This was the best course of action, lest they have any more illogical circumstances. He cannot deny that she intrigues him but he has no time to explore someone who has the power to unhinge all his well laid plans. Spontaneity is out of the question, his viscountess must be without surprises.

So as dutifully planned before the arrival of one Kate Sharma he attends his interviews, screening all the eligible women in the ton who could be his viscountess. Excluding the lot that are Omegas much to the chagrin of his mother.

“Does my orientation disgust you so son?”

Guilt, always with the guilt first. Only his impeccable manners deter him from rolling his eyes.

“I have my preference mother. I have always been upfront about that. I do not want a mate just an amicable partnership.”

She sighs dispassionately, staring at him with a gaze flooded with sadness.

“Your father never saw our love as a weakness, nor I. Our love made him stronger.”

The mention of his father nudges an old festering wound and he lashes out.

“And look how advantageous that was for you! You contemplated death after he passed, I will never allow myself to be like that. Never.”

He hates making his mother cry more than anything in the universe, it’s a dagger to his chest each time.

He brings his bad disposition with him to the interviews, snapping at the women before they can finish their sentences. Although he’s invited all betas and Alphas- the few in the ton, they are all too frightened to meet his gaze and it vexes him to his bones.

“Look at me!”

“I’m sorry my Lord!”

Lady… something or another pleads still unable to bring her gaze from the ground and in the end he leaves canceling the rest of the interviews for the day. Exhausted and embarrassed at his unseemly behavior, he is not an Alpha who treats women like such. He’s ashamed of himself. Truly.

He’s walking aimlessly when he feels that pull, his skin tingling. There’s an Omega in trouble in the vicinity, it’s not something he does often feeling too much like a damn bloodhound but he starts to sniff the air until he’s caught the scent and he follows the trail until he sees a familiar head of dark curls.

There’s a large Alpha towering over the lady, much too close and the glint in his eyes shows that he’s aware that his proximity is improper but he simply does not care. Without a second thought he stomps over, roughly shouldering himself in between them much to the audible relief of Miss Edwina.

“Lord Mooney.” He blocks Edwina from the unscrupulous gaze, staring at the other Alpha with a hard humorless smile.

“Bridgerton. I was merely making myself acquainted with the newest Omega in town. I meant no harm if she belongs to you. There was no mark.”

There are those who view Omegas as property or mere ends to a means, he’s been in the company of them and not done enough to silence them but now standing there with Miss Edwina cowering behind him, he realizes the err of his ways. No one should be treated as such regardless of their orientation.

“She belongs to no one. She is not an object to own, you would do well to keep such antiquated repulsive comments to yourself. Good day.”

The man sputters at him but that’s of no concern, instead he offers his arm to Miss Edwina who stares cautiously before grabbing his arm. Together they walk away, aware of the bevy of eyes tracking their every movement.

“Are you unharmed?”

She nods softly, “Yes my Lord. I was only unnerved at his brazenness. Thank you for your assistance. And your kind words.”

If only she knew the horrid things that he too thought about Omegas she would surely retract her gratitude but he stays mum on the matter.

“Edwina! I told you to wait for mama!”

Suddenly Kate is upon them looking genuinely scared for her sister’s well being and then stumped at his presence. Then in a move almost too fast to catch she glances at their intertwined arms and he has an overwhelming urge to tug his arm away but doing so would be rude beyond measure. So he stays.

“I become distracted by a dress in the window of the modiste store, I apologize for making you worry Didi.”

Kate can’t seem to stop looking at their arms and finally Miss Edwina unhands him, realizing what her sister just be imagining.

“Oh! Lord Bridgerton was just helping me escape the attentions of a most offensive gentleman.”

Miss Kate looks unconvinced but nevertheless she bows in his direction her voice devoid of any emotion, “Thank you for helping my sister Lord Bridgerton. I am most grateful for your superior kindness.”

He gets the odd feeling that he’s being mocked, her words overly grand and he feels a smile forming on his lips at her gall.

“You are most welcome Miss Kate. If you are truly thankful then allow me to escort you both as you await the return of your mama. It would calm my heart to know you are both safe.”

Two can play this game he decides. Offering both arms to the sisters and Edwina eagerly holds on again looking expectantly at her sister. He smirks at the grimace on her face before she follows suit.

“You both look lovely today. I am the luckiest man in England to be allowed such an honor.”

Miss Edwina giggles at his compliment but Kate only glowers at him, her full lips pressed in a thin line.

“Where to madams?”

“The jeweler. Mama is picking up an order.”

With a destination in mind he guides them both, subconsciously leaning towards Kate and internally preening at her ungloved hand on his forearm.

“Lord Bridgerton, may I be bold to ask a question? I have heard rumors and I am most curious.”

He can feel Kate’s eyes over his shoulder, most likely trying to dissuade Miss Edwina but for once she does not obey her sister. Color him impressed.

“You may.” He waits patiently as she finds the words, her face twists into different expressions before settling.

“Is it true that you despise Omegas?”

“Edwina!” Kate reprimands immediately, halting them all with a sudden stop in her shock.

“He said I may ask!”

“But you know better than to inquire about such personal matters!”

It’s as if he’s watching Gregory and Hyacinth picking at each other. In a much used move he stops their bickering with a firm wave of his hand, Miss Edwina looking down immediately but Kate just stares at him coldly affronted by his treatment of them.

“Miss Kate it’s quite fine. I don’t mind answering.”

In a childish move Edwina pouts her lips triumphantly at her sister who looks ready to scold her again.

“I do not despise Omegas. I merely do not want to bond with or marry one. I have a preference for betas or even female Alphas, that is all. But worry not my way of thinking is not common, you will find that most Alphas are searching for their perfect Omega.”

Edwina stares at him calmly before responding, “I was not worried my Lord just curious.”

Then without any preamble she adds too innocently, “Kate is a beta. Some even think her an Alpha because of her disposition. She’s the bravest person I know.”

Kate sputters at the praise and then stammers at the very obvious implications of her sister’s words.

“I doubt Lord Bridgerton cares about my orientation Edwina, there is no need to share such information.”

I care.

That is what he thinks and even considers uttering aloud but they are interrupted by Lady Mary, who is being followed by his mother and Eloise in tow. He pretends not to see as his mother gazes at the sisters hands on his forearms. He was a gentleman, that was all.


She’s still upset with him. That is the only time she calls him by his given name.

“I did not expect to see you. Are your interviews all completed?”

He doesn’t glare at his own mother that would be disrespect of the highest level but he does stare, hard. Begging her with his eyes to stop her inquisition.

Her lip twitches as she ignores his plea.

So vengeful. As are all the women in his family.

“Did you find your perfect not Omega viscountess? Should I start planning for the wedding?”

He almost groans at the loss when Kate lowers her hand and steps away from him, moving closer to her mother in lieu. At a sharp glance Edwina reluctantly does the same, stepping to the other side of her mama.

“I heard about your preference Lord Bridgerton. I was most surprised your mother and I had much deliberated whether you would be a good pair for Edwina. But it seems that will not be the case.”

Kate shrinks further behind her mother’s body despite her superior build. He yearns to reach out and touch her, tell her that he had never considered Edwina in that light.

“Mama!” The Omega squeals in embarrassment grabbing her cheeks in a coy move.

“Miss Edwina is lovely I am sure she will not have a lack of suitors around her waiting to fulfill all her needs.”

“You are too kind.”

Then there is a pregnant pause where no one speaks. Kate avoids his gaze looking seemingly everywhere but him. It is most frustrating.

“Lady Mary, I was planning to enjoy a picnic in the park with my children. Would you and your daughters want to accompany us?”

“Oh! That would be just lovely Lady Bridgerton, we would be honored!”

Lady Mary leaves no room for argument even as Kate leans over with a hand on her forehead, she gives her a stern look and in a moment they are all walking to the promenade.

“Anthony, were you joining us? I thought you would be much too busy for such frivolous activities today.”

He will surely have to apologize to his mother. This attitude will not dissolve until he does so he is certain. He wonders if this where he inherited his stubbornness from.

“Nothing is more important than my family, you wound me mother.”

She dismissively hums at him, pulling Eloise who throws a confused look over her shoulder.

There are far too many difficult women in his life.

The maids are still setting up the picnic when they arrive, a large checkered blanket spread over the grass and an abundance of food- warm breads, fresh jams, an assortment of cheeses, curied meats and lemonade. A small affair only by Bridgerton standards.

All the ladies daintly fold their dresses under them before sitting, except Kate who is the only one still standing.

“Didi, sit here with me!”

Impulsively he strides over taking the seat next to the one Edwina is indicating. Kate’s lip pucker line she’s sucked on a lemon but with all eyes on her and no plausible excuse she begrudgingly comes over, sliding down onto the thick blanket. Moving away quickly when their shoulders accidentally meet.

His younger siblings are the first to break the silence, eagerly filling their plates with a bit of everything. He reaches out for a warm croissant himself, but instead he collides with Kate who had the same idea.

“Sorry my Lord.”

She does not sound sorry one bit.

He hums picking up the pastry before bringing it to her mouth, she stares at him as if he has lost his mind. Perhaps he has.

“Anthony I am certain Miss Sharma can feed herself.” This brings everyone’s eyes to them and Kate suddenly rises, brushing dirt off her dress.

“I think I will stand by the water right there. I am not hungry. ”

He starts to open his mouth but she anticipates his reply.

“I need no chaperone I shall be right there. You shall all be able to see me.”

Then without waiting from approval from her mother Kate stomps away, everyone continues to eat undisturbed by her departure.

All except him.

Again there is that mind numbing scent of lilies that derail his rational thoughts.

In actuality she is starving. But her closeness to Lord Bridgerton was causing her skin to feel unusually warm and she felt like she would surely evaporate in his presence if she remained.

She can’t explain her body’s reaction to him. Cannot begin to rationalize the way her heart thumps when he is near.

Exhausted from her worrying she leans her head back, letting the sun’s rays wash over her.

Of course he was going on interviews with the intention of marriage. She was the only one who felt whatever this was, and she was working to feel it no more. Distance and time was necessary and it would be less difficult if their mamas would stop pushing their families together. They were quickly becoming friends and while she was ecstatic that Mary now had a companion, she selfishly wished that they would sever their relationship and stop forcing her to face him.

Would she be expected to attend his wedding? She shuddered at the mere thought, the only silver lining being that he would not be wedding Edwina.

“Here. Eat.”

She jumps at the almost emotionless voice of one Eloise Bridgerton.

“I am not-”

“You don’t have to lie to me. I know when one is merely trying to escape an uncomfortable situation. I have been there several times. Just eat it.”

“Well…..thank you.”

She accepts a scone smothered with strawberry jam and a cool glass of lemonade.

“Is this because of my brother? Does he make you uncomfortable Lady Sharma?”

She almost chokes on the scone, desperately drinking the beverage to clear her throat. Eloise looks at her with knowing eyes as if her near death is confirmation of her inquiry.

“Well if it is any consolation, I believe you make him uncomfortable as well. He has not stopped glancing at you since you left. It was his idea to bring you refreshments.”

It’s not thoughtful. Anyone would do the same. It doesn’t mean anything and she shouldn’t interpret it as anything either.

“I look forward to seeing more of you Miss Sharma. I have yet to meet a woman who can make my brother act in such an unusual manner.”

She doesn’t look over at him but still she can feel his eyes on her. Can smell his overbearing scent even this far away, it is almost beckoning her to return. She has to shake her head to clear the cobwebs settled there.

The faster she finds Edwina a mate and returns to India the better for everyone.

His mother has taken quite the strong liking to the Sharma family and he cannot fault her for her decision. They are indeed a lovely bunch despite the eldest’s perpetuity for glaring at him and thinking the worst of all his intentions at any given moment. He recognized the walls she had erected around herself all too well, he too was a constructor after all.

So he’s not the least bit surprised when his mother informs him that the Sharmas shall be joining them for dinner. This has become such a common occurrence, it is more frequent when the Sharmas do not join them for meals. And this leads him to join them for meals more often as well, ignoring the suspicious looks that his mother shoots in his direction.

He’s the master of the house, he need not answer to anyone.

“Are you always this much of a sore loser?” Kate rolls her eyes at him in a most unladylike fashion, her hair is hanging loose today and she looks so pretty he almost ignores her jibe at him.


“I am no sore loser. I did not lose. You cheated, there is a difference.”

Colin had taught them all a card game he has learned during his travels, a game of wit and manipulation and to his annoyance Kate had been a natural. She had has Colin coined a masterful “poker face”.

“I did not cheat. I am simply better than you. You cannot blame if you fell for my trap.”

She had cheated. Surely she shouldn’t be that attractive and good at everything- now it was horse back riding, shooting, betting and this poker game. His ego couldn’t handle a woman like Kate Sharma.

“Kate, we are guests in the Bridgerton household and you are being a sore winner. Focus on your meal bragging is unbecoming for a lady.”

Kate appeared wholly chastised but he hides a grin as she whispers under her breath.

“Sore winner? Winners should be allowed to boast and why am I the only one being spoken to like a child?”

He grins widely as she glares at him, happily eating his dinner. Meat and vegetables tonight, a modest meal. But Lady Mary had shown the cook her family recipe for curry and the meat was coated in the thick flavorful sauce. The blending of the two families is reflected in the mix of English and Indian cuisine on the dinner table. 

Conversation is flowing easily as it usually does with both families in attendance, they are strangers no more forced together by their overzealous mamas. Now there is true affection shared by them all.

He watches fondly as Eloise gabs loudly about Omega rights as Kate emphatically nods along, just as passionate about the topic. The two seem to agree on several matters and it is near impossible for anyone else to interject into their conversation once they have commenced. 

Gregory and Hyacinth are not so subtlety feeding sneaking pieces of meat to the furry demon Newton under the table, he pretends not to notice for tonight. His mother will surely scold them if notified and he would hate to sully the good atmosphere being shared by all at the table. He only sends them a reproachful glare when they appear to be overfeeding the mutt, Gregory stills his sister’s hand pausing her hand before consuming the food on his plate and motioning for her to do the same. 

His inner Alpha preens at all his treasured people being in one location and being able to simultaneously enjoy their company. He swallows the purr that builds in his chest, it would not be decent at the dinner table after all. 

“Please excuse me, Eloise.” 

His ears perk up and his gaze instinctively follow Kate as she leaves presumably to freshen up in the loo. 

Benedict draws him into a discussion with Miss Edwina as he contemplates the importance of arts and leisure and he absently listens astonishingly aware of Kate’s absence, everything feels imbalanced  and it becomes increasingly difficult for him to maintain focus so a few moments when she still as not reappeared he excuses himself from the table as well citing the need to sign important documents. Nobody questions his departure. 

The scent of lilies leads to his study and he follows it, curious as to what caused her to detour from the wash room. 

The study door is slightly ajar and with the toe of his boot he presses it open further, finding the back of one Kate Sharma. 

Intently looking at a portrait that he still struggles to gaze upon.  

“Edmund Bridgerton. My father.” 

She does not startle as if she could sense that he was already present. It is the same for him, he always knows when Kate is near. 

“Your parents were an Alpha Omega pair. True mates I hear.” 

Their love was legendary and something to aspire for when he was a boy, before his father unceremoniously collapsed in his arms and irrevocably altered their lives for eternity. 

“Yes. They were soul mates.” 

He could see it in the way that they laughed together, his father would gather his mother in his large arms and gently hold her as if she were the most fragile thing in the world. 

Then he died and took all that love to the grave with him. 

“Do you ever wish–” 

“No. I never want to give my heart to another or have them offer me theirs. I want to live a predictable life with a woman that I find agreeable who will be a suitable viscountess. Love has no place in my marriage,” 

“Is this the reason you avoid all Omegas? Are you nervous that there is a possibility that you could come to love them? 

Could he ever love an Omega? 

His mind is filled with doubt. He thinks about all the facets that have drawn him to Kate, an Omega could never offer him a challenge. 

“I find them….tedious. I want a partner, not a child to care for.” 

He can feel Kate’s ire sucking all the air from the room. Her eyes are fire and brimstone when she finally turns to face him. 

“My sister is nothing like that nor your mother or Mary. You are placing your bias on an entire population of people. I never imagined you would be so short sighted as to make such baseless generalizations.” 

She glares at him circumventing him as she strides to the door. 


He stops her with a gentle hand on the wrist. 

“My….apologies. I did not mean those words. I have used them as an excuse for such a prolonged time they started to become truth to me. The truth is….love is terrifying and I would rather avoid it if possible. I know that Omegas thrive in true love matches and I cannot offer that to anyone, tying a hopeful Omega to a flawed man like me would be selfish and thoughtless.”

Her eyes. Liquid brown pools of chocolate brown. 

They widen, then soften in understanding. 

“Perhaps you are more than you give yourself credit for. Even someone like you is capable of love, being scared is no reason to hide from it. Your parents knew that their love was finite but it was enough to feel it, to love and be loved unconditionally. Is that not what we all aspire for?” 

He does not permit himself to hope or dream, that is for a man with less responsibilities than he. 

But she is gorgeous in her fierce defense and he cannot stop himself this time. He wants. 

He stalks closer, giving her ample time to escape from him. Taking slow purposeful steps until they are mere inches apart, those eyes all but mesmerizing him at this proximity. 

“Kate, please go downstairs.” 

She stares at him, eyes dancing all over his face ashe draws closer, encouraged by the lack of fear in her eyes. 

“I am not one of your siblings. You cannot order me around.” 

The Alpha in him begs to differ, clawing at the precarious thread of control that remains, his scent now permeating and soaking the air particles in the room. And then everything is lilies, sweet and cloying coating his throat and blocking his senses. 


His nostrils flare. 

“Go. Down. Stairs.” 

Her eyes glaze over and he has to kiss her, to devour her, or better yet destroy her. The way that she has devastated him, wholly down to his bones. 

Her hips are so soft under his tight grip and the exhaust of air leaving her lungs as he presses her into the door is all it takes for him to surge forward, terrified when in lieu of running away Kate mirrors him her hands reaching up to grasp his shoulders as she leans into him. 


He pleads once more. 

She must stop them. He is far too weak. 

“Anthony. Please.” 

The thread snaps, too thin to withstand the strength of their passion and he releases a roar deep from his chest as he does the one thing that has plagued his mind since he encountered this enigma of a woman. 

“Anthony! Kate!” Daphne’s voice breaks their intimacy. 

He pauses, hovering above her parted lips. Lily and spice punch him in the lung each time he inhales a breath. 

So catastrophically close. 

“Where are you both? Dinner has reached a close. Kate, your family awaits your return.” 

He collapses against her into the door, his body zinging with the need to claim, take,dominate

“My Lord…. You must release me. We will be discovered.” 

What was he minutes away from doing? He could have ruined Kate’s reputation. He was not one for regrets or mistakes, but this would have his greatest of all. 

“I…sorry. Go. I will stay here.” 

And after a long stare she slinks away, he pounds his clenched first against the solidness of the door desperately sniffing at the air. With his head hung in shame, he can see the tent formed in his trousers. It aches for release. He palms at his engorged member, Kate the sole object of his desires as he ardently strokes himself to completion, biting his lips as he recalls the how lose they were to crossing a line they could never return from. 

They both ignore each other for weeks. Anthony, attending several interviews daily and Kate accompanying Edwina on her many outings with suitors. Neither misses the other nor touches themselves with the other’s name on their tongue. 

She wakes up in a light sweat that only progressively gets worse until she becomes dizzy and almost faints, it was all too dramatic for her liking she was no damsel prone to fainting spells. Edwina had pleaded to stay with her but she would not let her little sister become sick as well.

Edwina was the one who needed to be healthy after all. Her health was nowhere as important.

And this meant she would be able to avoid him easily. There would be no family events and forced meetings between them at least until she had recovered from this sudden fever.

The servants check on her regularly bringing medicine and liquids. She has banned Mary and Edwina from her room but they speak to her through the oak of her door, telling her about Edwina’s dates and which suitors are her favorites. She listens and offers commentary when necessary, soaking in a pool of her own sweat.

Sleep is torture. One person haunts her consciousness appearing in less and less clothing each time. He is shirtless in bed with her, then he’s wet and crawling out of the lake he’d accidentally fallen into. That memory still haunts her from weeks ago, she had been trying to enjoy a nice row with Mr. Dorset when he had unnecessarily intruded despite being there himself with Cressida Cowper. She had desperately wanted to reject the hand he offered her but there were too many eyes and she did not want her actions to reflect badly on Edwina.

But then he started to caress her fingers and refused to let go so she’d tugged her hand away and he had tripped into the lake taking poor Mr. Dorset with him.

He must have been wearing the flimsiest shirt in all of England because it became completely transparent. Every muscle and curve of his well developed body on display, she tried not to look but her eyes would not obey her orders. And now that image was haunting her without end.

And furthering her shame she was… affected by her dreams. Waking up wet in unimaginable places. Too embarrassed to allow anyone to assist her in the bathe. The urge to take matters into her own hand per se was overwhelming, on one occasion she found herself grinding into her mattress chasing friction that it could not provide. She did not know of an illness that made people so unhinged and bothered.

But she is nothing if not controlled. She ignores her body’s cry for more,please, and forces herself to sleep and ignore the temptation of the Anthony in her dreams.

On the fourth day she’s has regained enough of her senses to leave her bed and eat the food the servants have been leaving her.

She’s ravenous devouring everything in sight.

That’s when she hears voices, they are too far for her to place them but they feel familiar. She presses her ear against the door attempting to listen better.

“-sends her well wishes and a fruit basket. Would it be possible to see her? We have all been worried beyond belief.”

“I am not sure that would be best. She’s still recovering and might be contagious. I will write to you all when she has fully recovered.”

She has enough sense of awareness to grab a robe before opening her door and racing down the winding stairs. It’s just like that day in the woods she cannot control her body, her feet refusing to stay away from him any longer. Something inside her demanding to see him and hold him. A hunger that cannot be appeased from afar. 

Mary gasps loudly at the sight of her in a flimsy night gown and a robe and nothing else, immediately stalking over to attempt to shove her back where she came from. Her desire to be near Anthony is too strong however and she sidesteps her startled mother until she’s in front of him, breaths coming out in short pants.

He looks like heaven.

And she steps closer again, unable to resist his scent today and the fever that had resided is set aflame once more.


She barely recognizes her own voice, it’s been long unused while she was sick. Now it is all throat and rasp. 

He steps towards her too with arms wide open, and she almost trips over herself running to embrace him and everything is right when his arms are curled around her. She boldly nuzzles against the bare skin of his neck, rubbing her nose all over the gland hidden between the thin skin.

Mine. Mine. Mine.

“Kate! No!”

Mary’s voice sounds far away but it is of no importance not with him cradling her and sniffing at her neck as well. Then she suddenly feels rumbling between them and it takes a moments pause to realize it’s coming from him, he’s purring between them- a deep guttural noise that makes her want to bend over and present herself to him.

And the filth of the thought is enough to knock some sense into her.

She knows what is happening to her.

But it can’t be. She was a beta. Her eighteen birthday had come and past and nothing had happened. So why now? Why him?

In the end, he pulls away first nearly shoving her across the room in his haste. Her heart smarts at the callous move.

“You are experiencing heat.”

He says it with so much disdain that she almost folds in on herself. She cannot deny his accusation not with the fever still running through her veins right now. With her body demanding that he take her right here regardless of their audience. 

“I must take my leave.”

And then he’s gone, fruit basket discarded on the floor and the door slamming behind him.

Her heart is in tatters and she feels Mary pressed against her back, holding her tightly like when she was much younger.

“Oh Kate, what will we do? My dear girl, my sweet precious Kate.”

Mary had known, she was just the last to know about her transformation. 

He demands a carriage and a case with his possessions and without much of an explanation to his family before he runs away to Aubrey Hall.

He cannot stay here. Cannot be around her.

It should be impossible, Omegas presented on their eighteen birthdays without fail. It was so for every Omega that he knew so he doesn’t understand why Kate would present this late in her life. What could have possibly changed to do this to her?

She had smelt so sweet. Sweeter than any other Omega he had ever encountered. His instincts had been telling him to do unthinkable things to her, claim her, bite her, possess her. And it terrified him. He was no boy, definitively not green behind the ears had even fucked courtesans in heat and never had such thoughts about them. Their holes had been wet and tight and that was the only observations that mattered to him.

He had been considering courting her. She was strong willed and gorgeous and someone who challenged him. All assets he had wanted in a partner. 

How could he reconcile all he knew about Kate with her newly discovered orientation? Would her disposition alter now? Would she be unable to meet his eyes like everyone else? He didn’t want to see the light that he loved so much in her fade away into a distant memory.


What was he thinking? He did not love anything about that insufferable woman! He could not love anyone especially not her.

Love was never in his cards and now that he knew who she truly was, he would extinguish these feelings towards her. They could never be. He would never wed or bond with an Omega. He would never end up like his father, dying too young and leaving Kate behind all alone and heartbroken.He could do her one last favor as a token to their failed relationship. 

He stays at Aubrey Hall for two weeks. Ignoring all the correspondences that arrive by carriage. He intends to hide until all his affections for her disappear.

She expertly hides her suffering from Mary and Edwina, having done it since she was a child and they believe her eventually when she tells that that she’s fine and Anthony is not her true mate. Mary looks at her with wistful eyes but she pretends not to notice, all that remains is her dignity and she does not intend to willingly hand that over. But in the crevice of her heart she knows, it is an instinct and Omegas can always tell, Alphas are free to ignore it if they so desire but an Omega do not have that freedom of choice. Once their true match has been acknowledged it is impossible to truly love another. 

She could tell immediately after seeing him in the wake of her heat. 

Her heart went, “Oh it is you,” 

Then he promptly stomped all over that same heart in a matter of seconds. 

She cries softly at nights and stands tall in the morning. Edwina has found a few suitors who she has developed affections for and she is hopeful that her sister will be wedded soon and she will be able to return to India as planned.

Her orientation changes nothing. He changes nothing. She will live alone until it is her time to disappear from this planet. 

It means nothing to her that he hates her now for something she has no control over, it is better this way; they can both move on now before either of them developed any real feelings. She plans to forget all about him. As he has of her.

They attend parties and she garners attention now with her new Omega status but she ignores them all, only thinking about Edwina.

In the end her sister chooses an Alpha Lord that she knows she has mild affections for instead of the mild manner scholar who has captured her heart. It’s the sensible choice and it breaks her heart.

She knows why Edwina makes this choice. It is for her and Mary. It is because she has groomed Edwina for this, her entire life.

“Are you certain you wish to marry him Bon?”

Edwina gives a smile that doesn’t quite reach her eyes and she wishes their life was different. Wishes neither of them were bound by their circumstances.

“Bagwell could never provide for me. I must do this for our family.”

It’s a sentence she has lived her entire life by. But instead of feeling pride at Edwina’s selflessness she feels anger at the part she played in making Edwina think she should sacrifice her happiness for them.

“No. I won’t let you do this. Bagwell is who has your heart. Marry him. I will deal with the rest.”

Her final sacrifice for her family.

“Dorset will be wed soon. You received an invitation days ago.”

He’s in his study, back at home with his family. His self executed exile over now. His plan was an utter failure, nothing but thoughts of Kate filling his mind his entire stay until he had to return to at least be close to her.

“Good for him.”

“I shall be bringing the family to the modiste tomorrow. He is an old friend of yours, we must see him off.”

This grabs his attention, he puts down his quill giving his mother his full undivided focus.

“See him off?”

She finally brings her gaze up to meet his, inhaling deeply before responding to him.

“Yes. He will leave for India with Ms. Sharma after they are wed.”

This must be another dream, better yet a night terror. He pinches himself harshly, grunting when the pain shoots through his arm. 

This was…real. He was awake. 

“She presented as an Omega. I finally understand why you ran away. She is marrying Dorset to help dear Edwina marry for love, she has fallen for a mere scholar. You missed much with your escape to Aubrey Hall. I wrote to you but no letters returned so I presumed that it was of no significance to you. Dorset is a good man, he will treat her well. It is probably the best for all parties involved.” 


He has not called her that since he was much younger and far less jaded. Her eyes widen at the long forgotten moniker. 

“Yes, my dear?” 

“I think I made a horrible mistake.” 

“Oh Anthony.” 

She hugs him tightly, rocking him back and forth as he clutches her with all his might. 

“Anthony, you must go to her,” 

He listens, silencing the Alpha inside him that balks at taking orders from an Omega, that is not who he is anymore. He will be better for her. All that time spent alone in Aubrey Hall did nothing but strengthen his feelings for Kate. There was no one else like her, no one that made him question everything he thought he knew to be true. Nobody who called him out on his ignorance and forced him to see from another’s perspective. Nobody as smart, witty, gorgeous and frustrating. He had spent all this time evading love only to stumble into it anyway. She had done it on purpose, spitefully made him fall in love with her just to prove to him that it was possible.

“I think I love her.”

He loves her. There’s no thinking about it, he can feel it in his blood.

He must go to her.

Miss Edwina opens the door looking haggard and exhausted. He immediately peers over her shoulder, manners all but eviscerated in his search for Kate.

“Lord Bridgerton. We are not entertaining guests at the moment.”

She tries to close the door in his face but he moves in between the space swiftly.

“I must seen her Edwina. Please let me in.”

He has never seen Edwina look so enraged, he flinches back at the dark storm that forms on her usually sweet countenance.

“Youabandoned her when she needed you the most. Was your hatred for Omegas so strong you would discard my sister so easily? I thought you were a good man, a decent man but you are less than human. I will not let you anywhere near my sister.”

He smarts at the carefully sharpened words, feeling smaller than an ant beneath her feet.

A servant interrupts them.

“Miss Edwina, we need more cold water. Kate is burning up, her fever grows worst by the second.”

He uses the distraction to press the door open further, making sure not to hurt Edwina as he forcefully enters their home.

“You dare to show your face.”

Lady Danbury, the real woman of the house appears. Walking stick extended to prevent him from moving any further.

“I know you all detest me but think about Kate.”

“How dare you say that to m-”

He waves his hand in apology, “I love her. I acknowledge that I was a coward before, I was scared of how she made me feel an
