#with few problems who use their privilege






yall wanna see the worst take ive ever seen on why leather bars and hankie groups dont belong at pride 

someone honest to got thought this up, wrote it, and hit post

btw that comment was specifically abt leather bars/leather daddies being unwelcome and like. yall. the first (estimated) leather bar in the usa was in new york in like 1958 and then in san fran in the tenderloid in 1960. these were before the stonewall riots. these men were alive through the entire AIDs crisis and ya called them the reason people are homophobic. im going to loose my mind. 

like this is homophobic. this is activelyhomophobic. you are telling a group of gay men who helped create this community that they are so degenerate that their mere presence at pride has caused a spike in bigotry against this community over the past few years. like imagine typing that out and not realizing how wildly homophobic that is 
