#with tatsu yay



Good evening.

Today I really worked hard in Akatsuki no Yona practice.

It was rough but, I’ve almost almost gotten through all of the play’s scenes !

From now on I’m going to refine it even further

I feel like I want to act and deliver the emotions one by one.

I think surely all of the plans for the production this time are in director Masumoto-san’s head.

Masumoto-san’s direction is really interesting, I love it !

I will believe in Masumoto-san moving forward, but without relying on this feeling, I will also hold onto my plans tightly.

Since I’m building up my frame, from now on I will include meat in that work.

With Yoon’s actor Yuuta-kun

During a long break today, these 3 people went to a nearby café and had a relaxing talk !

It was a good comfort.

Today is 2/19.


Ni-i-ku is what I called it when I said ‘let’s go eat meat’ (^^)


[T/N: ‘ni-i-ku’ is a shortened version of the numbers in the date, 2/19 (ni-ichi-kyuu). ‘niku’ also means meat, and though i don’t think this was part of the joke… ‘ni iku’ roughly means ‘to go (to)’. ^^ ]
