#without changing the site ethos at all



Possibly I am just not on twitter enough but trading one oligarch overlord for another who is maybe slightly more up front about how annoying he is seems like a sidegrade at worst

Genuinely kind of hope musk does a bunch of weird experimental shit trying to reinvent the website, I feel like that could be really interesting to watch. Genuinely! The ways a website’s structure affects how its community behaves is a very interesting subject to me. And I mean, it seems unlikely that he could do much to make that place much worse (and, hey, if he manages to crater the site, all the better)

I dunno. I am also fascinated to see what’s next. twitter certainly isn’t so bad it can’t get worse, but it is bad enough that it almost seems like rolling the dice on completely random design changes has a decent chance of turning up positive.

it’s hard to balance between the fact that like musk has a lot of money and a clear desire to do??? something??? with the platform, some of which i might like (looser moderation focused on restricting spam, not speech) and some of which are repulsive to me (verify all human users??); but also he is a massive blowhard and it is impossible to trust any specific individual thing he says, so all we can really do is wait and let it play out.
