#without projecting it onto mina



My contribution to the Dracula discussion is that I am now two days into studying for the bar and my brain is already melting, so I completely understand why new-lawyer Jonathan Harker is acting how he is. Others have said it before me, but it’s taken me less than 48 hours to fully comprehend what has happened to the man’s mind. You know how when a caterpillar goes into a cocoon, it doesn’t just grow wings and pop out, but rather it melts into a goo before reconstructing itself to form butterfly? That’s what his brain is doing. It’s in the process of reforming during his first year of being a lawyer. He is not yet a butterfly despite passing the bar—he is still goo. This is especially true because he does property law, the most confusing, archaic of the subjects. I can’t judge him at all.
