#wizard shenanigans






Sitcom about a immortal (and rather antisocial) wizard who lives in a great stone tower several miles outside of the local village, except that’s only the establishing prologue.

The meat of the show takes place a thousand years later, when the village has become a modern city and urban sprawl has resulted in it expanding to entirely surround the wizard’s tower, which is now sticking out like the proverbial sore thumb in the middle of a suburban housing development.

The inciting incident of the present-day plot involves a local kid who’s read too many of Those Kind Of YA Novels persuading the wizard to take them on as an apprentice, prompting the wizard to become involved in the community after centuries of relative seclusion.

The result is a sort of reverse fish-out-of-water comedy where it’s society at large that keeps getting tripped up by the out of place character’s strange expectations. The wizard isn’t unwilling to adapt, but their default attitude of “explain to me in detail how any of this is reasonable” is something most other characters don’t really know how to respond to; this is exacerbated by the fact that the wizard’s first contact with many of the foibles of modern life is filtered through the aforementioned kid apprentice and their bizarre YA-media-driven misconceptions about what being a wizard actually entails.

via@prokopetz#the wizard shows up for the kid apprentice’s next parent teacher conference#because in their day a master had parental obligations toward their apprentice#so of course this is their responsibility#right?

Ofcourse it is, and don’t you let anyone tell you otherwise, says the middle-aged lady who’s having a spectacular time watching the chaos

I’m mostly wondering how the wizard dealt with the local HOA before the kid bullied them out of the tower. Yes, the tower predates any and all development around it and is no doubt exempt from any association rules, but everything the internet has taught me about HOAs leads me to believe that they would still try. And turning the reps into toads would probably just ear the wizard a write-up for keeping non-approved pets.

I imagine they’d mostly have dealt with it the same way they dealt with royal tax collectors any time they didn’t feel like starting a war with the local monarchy; i.e., being exhaustingly pedantic about microscopic points of protocol until the annoying mortal gives up and goes away.

I’m not saying toads never happened, mind – I’m just saying toading’s not the only tool in the toolbox!
