#wizards is an animal



got a little possessed


a wizard in a bottle has washed up on the shores of every beach in america

if this gets 21k i’ll chuck another into the ocean


A witch is a human(?) who lives in a bog or swamp and can use magic. Wizards are magical animals that exist in real life right now. Sometimes when they cross paths, they’ll teach eachother some of their favorite spells and tricks. ID under cut!

Image Description:

A black and white sketch of a witch and a wizard. The witch is a tall, thin person sitting on a tree stump. It is wearing a button up T unbuttoned over a tank top. Its jeans are rolled up and it is barefoot. On its feet and hands, instead of human nails, it has short, curved claws. A thin tail extends from behind it. It is sitting hunched over, holding its hands up as a slightly glittering vine levates out of its hands and out of frame. Its face is hidden off-frame as well, but its small smile is in view. The wizard is a three legged creature with a simple smiling face and a plain black witch’s hat. It is sitting patiently on its hind leg, watching the witch perform the spell.

End Image Description.
