#wmmap ezekiel



It’s All In The Name

What cost the duke is his son’s heart and happiness.


“Good job with comforting Jennette. I hear that she doesn’t cry as much anymore.”

After nodding, Ezekiel looked at his father straight in the eye.

“Are you involved in it?”

The Duke of Alpheus felt uneasy hearing his son’s tone.

The number of times Ezekiel attempted to defend the late princess came to his mind… Was he not doing it on behalf of Jennette?

Roger thought of a wild theory as to why his filial son is acting this way.

It was so preposterous that he didn’t want to even think about it.

“Don’t worry about Jennette, she’ll soon forget about the late princess.”

Ezekiel left the office before his father could say anything.

His father didn’t answer the question and that’s all the answer he needed.

Ezekiel has always been the perfect son that always had his father’s back.

His son never disrespected nor disappointed him. It’s the two of them against the world. They are a unit, a team, a family.

One of the reasons he sent Ezekiel to study far from home is to keep him away from Jennette. He didn’t want his son to be overly attached to someone… Now that this happened, he recognizes that it might have been a huge misstep on his part.

As soon as Jennette had fully recovered from her mourning, he summoned his son.

He hoped that his son moved on just as Jennette has.

Ezekiel rejected his invitation…

Sometimes the best course of action is to do nothing. That’s what Roger believes when it comes to minor disagreements.

He won’t force his son to talk.

Ezekiel will surely come around in a few days.

Famous last words?

In the meantime, he ordered his informants to report everything his son does.

<Tea with Jennette>

<Barely touching his food>

<Not sleeping>

<Would constantly work>

<Routinely taking long walks at night>


“The greenhouse of the Ruby Palace.”

“Keep the surveillance”

After that, Roger made great effort to stop anyone from uttering hername.

Ezekiel continued to flawlessly attend to his duties as heir of the Alpheus dukedom and future consort so aside from their minor disagreement he thought he had nothing to worry about.

When it rains, it pours.

Ezekiel collapsed.

After sending Jennette away for Ezekiel to have a rest, he properly looked at his son’s state.

Ezekiel looks terrible. Didn’t Jennette notice anything? *sigh*

Roger finally broke the silence.

“I know you are suffering. You must tell me.”

Listening is the only thing Roger can offer. What happened to the lateprincess wasn’t even his plan or his doing.

Her name was eventually cleared but the king couldn’t care less so the full weight of the lateprincess’s tragedy fell on Jennette… and Ezekiel.

After a moment of silence, Ezekiel finally opened his mouth.

“I’ll tell you what the problem is. I don’t know how to be indifferent.”

Ezekiel looked his father in the eyes. “I can’t master this and it makes me susceptible to pain. In other words, it hurts.”

The greatest proof of a heart is a broken one.

Roger didn’t have to turn around to see who it is that came to his room unannounced.

“You’re drinking.”

<Magic tower burnt to the ground>

<Enemies and pawns quietly killed>

<Anyone who has any ounce of magic abilities are hunted>

<Visiting Ezekiel>

“Was that really necessary?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“Who could have power without wealth or fear or love?”

Roger should have known that allying with this person is like signing a deal with the devil.

“Don’t come near my son.”

A sadistic smile flashed in his face. “I just reminded him to take care of the crown princess.”

“They are engaged and my son will always do his duty. So unless you want Jennette despaired and inconsolable, I suggest you stay away from him.”

He realized something after a moment of silence and laughed. “What am I even saying to you?”

Roger truly felt stupid assuming he cares for his daughter. He is just like the king. They are truly brothers.

They have poison running on their veins.

The world could burn and his ward would continue to be a beautiful fool who is unable to understand anything. Jennette will be happy… Her mother really did well choosing her name, God is truly gracious with his ward.

And who could forget about the other one? The undying…

It had gone beyond her, beyond everything…

No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.

He understood what’s in store for his son and there’s absolutely nothing he could do.

That cursed family poisoned his son and everything is his fault.

“Are you drunk?”

“You wouldn’t understand.” Roger drank even more.


This fic is greatly inspired by this LuciusXNarcissa fan vid: https://youtu.be/OA1SYvXFILc

“It had gone beyond her, beyond everything…No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.”

- F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Courtesy of Google:

  • Ezekiel - God’s Strength
  • Jennette - God Is Gracious
  • Athanasia - The Undying