#woeful writings


In April 2000, Daniel Handler was enlisted by Slate.com to contribute five columns for their “Diary” feature - each column written in the form of a journal or blog entry, together all covering a typical week in the life of the author. Handler’s pieces typically tend to digress from descriptions of daily routine into general ramblings about whatever happens to be on his mind at the time. They’re mostly non-essential and more than a little pretentious, but they’re amusing enough, and so I thought it’d be worth posting them here.

The first entry, about deadlines and working on The Ersatz Elevator

The second entry, about teaching at Wesleyan University

The third entry, about receiving fan letters

The fourth entry, about “sublimated courtship” at the gym

The final entry, about Coney Island, bathrooms, and Meredith Heuer (Side note: it seems the photograph he discusses taking here is the same one seen in the back pages of The Carnivorous Carnival.)

(The re-discovery of these columns and the above text was made by a volunteer named Marlowe. We send our regards.)
