


“He who admits, “I am a fool,” is a wise man. On the contrary, he who thinks that he is wise is worthy of being called a fool.”


I’m neither the smartest man in the room, nor am I the most ignorant. We all start inept…except one talent…breath and life.

We grow from there.


My User Manual (v2.0)


I’m Wolf, a 13 year veteran of the Tumblr landscape. I’m a 51 year old divorced father who operates a Sensual Dom blog here at the tumblrverse…and you found me.

In an effort to add some intrigue and value, I’ve pinned this post to the top of my blog to help someone (new or longtime mutuals) find relevant details about me. This is my user’s manual for tumblr and beyond.

And finally a list of my most popular tags to peruse at your leisure:


Latest Status Updates (Revised as necessary):

I’m currently still in a state of recovery from the economic demise here on the farm, and I am only periodically coming by, rarely posting and only interacting where time and mood allow. My mental health isn’t the strongest, at the moment. Lots of life transitions forced on me in the past few weeks. I will return. (11-19-21)
