


Lunar Event Best Encounters

All of these are just the ones I’ve seen on Grouse House and through exploring. There will likely be more each time the Lunar Event is released, and updates may even appear within the next few days! See the Grouse House Guides to stay up to date. :3

Grouse House Lunar Event Guide:

“You lift your head to catch a scent of something familiar in this blue world. You recognize something among the bitter mushroom spores.”
(All Biomes)

Choose [Smell of Big Risk]; 1 in 3 chance to earn +2 LT

“A sudden, unexpected sight has stopped you in your tracks. This baby wolf… there’s something wrong with it. You’re deeply unsettled by its empty gaze, but you’re terrified to look away. This wolf isn’t like the other creatures you’ve seen, and you can’t find a trace of lunar essence on its plain fur. Is it phasing through the world temporarily?”

(All Biomes)

Choose [Keep Staring/Offer Shelter]

The first option has a chance of giving +2LT, but you could also get nothing. Better to have the guaranteed +1LT.

“This old, wise Lunar Fox is offering helpful advice on how to travel within this phasing world.”

(All Biomes)

Choose [Listen]

Refuse results in an automatic battle with the fox. Not worth it, especially when you’ll likely get only +1LT from either choice.

“This raccoon-looking creature is scratching its ear. But… it has no ears… is it scratching a phantom itch? Or are the little Lunar Fleas bothering it?”

(All Biomes)

Choose [Offer Fleas Remedy]

Gives +2LT. This will only appear if you have a Flea Remedy in your hoard, so keep a spare on you if possible.

“A fallen log gives shelter to many tiny Lunar Critters. The growth transforms the essence into a tiny, edible cave for a multitude of creatures.”


Choose [Dig]

1 in 2 chance of +2LT


Lunar Event Guide

Our first event on Wolvden is in full swing, and I wanted to type out something concrete for players who are having a bit of trouble gathering Lunar Tears! These are just my opinions based on personal experience, so everything I note may not be 100% accurate. But I hope this helps someone have more fun, or grind those last few tears to get the Selene base. :3 I’ll try to have a newly updated post each time the event is released, or repost this one!

1. Save up on Healing Salves and Lucky Feet.
Battles that are above your level or 5 levels below can drop +2 Tears, and almost half of your explore encounters will be fights. It’s a bit too late to stock up, now that the prices have risen. But in the future, buy up salves while they’re going for ¾ Salves/Feet per 1GC. Put your Herbalist to work! If you’re not super interested in event applicators or decor, this is also a good time to make a profit on Salves and Feet to the buyers who don’t mind purchasing at the increased prices.

2. Have a lead that is around level 15.
High enough that you stand a chance against the more difficult enemies, but low enough that you get more opportunities to earn +2 Tears on a battle that is above your level, or 5 levels lower. This event is also a good time to grind levels, so don’t worry too much if you’re a bit behind. There will be plenty of exp to be gained!

3. Make sure you have regular energy before you explore in the Dream World!
Battles in the Dream World still rely on regular energy to use moves, and you’ll be at a disadvantage without it. I also recommend using Latch/Rest strats to use the least amount of energy possible. Latch and Crush/Shear until the opponent bleeds, then rest until they die from bleeding damage. You’ll also take less damage this way, saving you precious Healing Salves.

4. Stick to the biome that is giving you consistent Lunar Essence.
I’ve found that Glacier never fails to throw me at least some Essence. While in other biomes I’ve gone through a whole energy bar without finding any. I’m not sure yet if Glacier has better drop rates, if this is just my own rng, or if drop rates will be tweaked for other biomes in the future. If you find that you haven’t found any Essence at all for multiple energy bars, it never hurts to modbox it! They’ll probably tell you that your rng luck is just bad, but if there are multiple complaints it may lead to tweaks and fixes in the background.

5. Only search for Lunar Essence during Dawn/Day/Dusk.
You won’t find Essence during Night, so there’s no point in wasting the energy.

6. Go for explore options that give more Lunar Tears.
There aren’t many regular explore encounters that offer more than 1 Lunar Tear, but I’ll list the ones that do in a separate post! But in general, keep a Flea Remedy in your hoard for the Raccoon encounter (All Biomes), and explore in Mountains/Taiga. As of now, there is one extra encounter in those biomes that can offer +2LT. Hopefully Grouse House will stay updated as well, and will edit in any new encounters that offer more LT. All my explore info is from them!

7. Have Fun!
Whether you’re going to be hardcore grinding to get the newest base, or only logging on a few times during the event, remember to enjoy the experience. If things are starting to get frustrating, take a break. You don’t have to max out every day to enjoy playing the game. And the news post has stated that all these applicators and decors will be rereleased in the future. There’s no need to push yourself into an unhealthy mindset. Best of luck to you all!

Grouse House Lunar Event Guide: https://www.wolvden.com/chatter/topic/357463



