#women wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



I love women sm….

Image ID: [a sketchbook page. On the left is a colored pencil drawing of Hatsune Miku. Her pigtails are tipped with pink and she is wearing a short ruffled pink, green, white, and yellow dress, and matching thigh high socks. She is smiling and has a hand on her hip. Her stance is open and energetic. On the right is a colored pencil drawing of Arashi Narukami from ensemble stars. She is posed as if she is dancing and singing, with one hand on her chest and the other pointed up. She is wearing an off white flowy dress with a rose on the hip. She has a thin vine wrapped around her thigh. Her outfit is modeled off of her mystic fragrance outfit. Underneath miku, in orange block letters, it says Miku 39!] /End ID
