#wonderful and strange



things that are angels: fungi. computer programming. bioluminescent creatures in the middle of the pacific ocean that have never been seen by people. a weird restaurant server late at night pouring coffee. overgrown things. androids and robots. etc

cerealla:After the dance. [id: Painting of Laura Palmer, portrait format. She is curled on her side,


After the dance.

[id: Painting of Laura Palmer, portrait format. She is curled on her side, hair messily tossed out above her head and facing the left end of the frame. Her right arm is under her head and the left is laying limply by her side. Her left hand is loosely holding the half-heart necklace James Hurley gave her. Her face is placid, staring with sadness at the necklace. She is in her white Homecoming dress and barefooted. Her diary sits on her lap while multiple love and congratulations letters are scatter around her legs, a pink one with a red emblem is tucked under her knees. To the right of her head is her Homecoming Queen tiara. The color palette is overall very cold and muted. the surface Laura is laying on is a purplish-red, and the pillow under her head is a very muted olive green. Her dress is pale white, and has dark purple shadows. The letters are of assorted colors such as green, orange, and maroon. The piece was created  with watercolor, layers of gouache, and finally pencil lines applied over the paint. /end id]

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withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.withoneeye:I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.


I will remind you that these crimes occurred at night.

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