#wondering if this is what that anon was looking for


Aphrodite -> Goddess of Love and Beauty

[ ] People would say you are beautiful but you have no brains.
[ ] You are very fierce and unpredictable.
[ ] You have cheated on someone.
[ ] You have been with many people.
[ ] Sometimes you act really clumsy.
[ ] You can be strong and powerful if you put your mind to it.
[ ] You receive a lot of attention from the opposite sex.
[ ]  You get called a whore/slut etc, but really you aren’t.

Artemis -> Goddess of the Hunt
[ ] You would consider yourself to be strong (physically).
[ ] You have gone hunting before.
[ ] You like the moon better than the sun.
[ ] You don’t think you will ever get married.
[ ] You would say you are more of a tomboy.
[ ] You are a daddy’s girl.
[ ] You are a virgin.
[ ] You do not take criticism well.

Athena -> Goddess of War/Wisdom/Weaving
[ ] You like playing musical instruments.
[ ] You want to become a teacher.
[ ] You like to be the leader of things.
[ ] Equal rights for women is something you’d fight for.
[ ] Many people look to you for advice.
[ ] You don’t like it when situations are unfair.
[ ] You would consider fighting for your country.
[ ] You get jealous easily.

Hera –> Queen of the Gods
[ ] You get jealous a lot especially of your bf/gf.
[ ] You can be really mean if you want to be.
[ ] You can be vain and self-centered.
[ ] You enjoy attention.
[ ] You fight for what you believe in.
[ ] You are not a coward, not afraid of many things.
[ ] You demand respect from everyone.
[ ] You enjoy getting revenge.

Hestia  -> Goddess of Hearth and Home
[ ] You are very caring and compassionate.
[ ] You find it easy to forgive others.
[ ] You have many siblings.
[ ] You want to have a big family when you are older.
[ ] You would say you are nice to everyone.
[ ] People easily take advantage of you.
[ ] You are fine with being the responsible one.
[ ] You’d rather be serious than silly.

Gaia -> Goddess of Earth
[ ] Your favourite thing is nature.
[ ] You want to help protect the environment.
[ ] You use clean sources of energy.
[ ] You have helped clean up the environment before.
[ ] You get upset thinking about the damage done to the Earth.
[ ] You have been part of some earth group.
[ ] You would take part in a protest.
[ ] You are a vegetarian.
