#wonshik angst



~Part 2~

“Hey! Everything okay down here?” You shout. You had found a rock that you hoped would be enough to defend yourself should it come to it, and you had forced yourself to focus even if you were still pretty tipsy.

“I heard some shouting, is everything okay?” You ask again, moving closer slowly holding the rock behind you.

“Move along girly. This doesn’t concern you.” The boss steps infront of Wonshik almost blocking him from your sight, but you still manage to make eye contact for a brief moment. It was enough time for you to nod and you throw the rock, causing enough of a distraction for him to break away from the men and knock a few to the ground. He takes off and you grab his hand and you both run before the men can gather themselves to follow.

You hear all sorts of shouting and swearing behind you, and with almost movie like timing it starts pouring, giving you enough cover to get away undetected.

You took him back to your place since it was close and you had no idea where he lived.

“Jesus Wonshik.” Neither of you had said anything during the running. Now you stood in your front room, both of you soaked from the rain and him covered in scratches and bruises from the altercation. You could tell he was trying to cover up the fact that he was in pain, but that didn’t go so well when he nearly collapsed before even getting fully in the apartment.

You catch him and shake your head. “Come on.” You help him sit and get his shoes off. “Think you can make it to the couch?” You ask. He nods and tries to stand, causing him to wince and sit right back down.

You sigh. “Stay here. I’ll bring a towel and some stuff for your cuts.” He coughs and nods again, looking slightly embarrassed.

You make your way to your bathroom, grabbing some stuff to clean his cuts and grabbing a fresh towel for both you and him to dry off with.

You throw the towel at him and kneel to start tending to the cuts.

“Thank you” he says quietly after a few moments of silence.

“Look, I won’t pretend to know what the hell all that was about, and I won’t pry. But you are lucky I was passing by when I was.”

He nods. “I know. It was stupid I know. They weren’t supposed to be there” it didn’t feel like he was really responding to you, it seemed more like he was talking to himself then anything.

“Do you need to call anyone?” You ask. That seemed to snap him back to reality.

“Shit. Shit shit shit those fuckers still have my phone.” He tried to stand up again only to double over and you had to catch him again.

“Not tonight. You can hardly even stand. You aren’t going out there for that. Use mine.” You hand him your phone and help him up to get to the couch.

You offer to leave the room while he makes the call, and head to the kitchen to put on some tea.

You are a bit lost in thought when the kettle goes off, the noise reminding you that you have someone who is almost a complete stranger to take care of.

“How do you get yourself into these weird situations girl?” You chuckle to yourself as you make your way back to the living room.

Wonshik hands you back your phone. “Thank you.”

“You’re saying that an awful lot right now” you laugh, handing him a mug.

“I mean it. That would have been a lot worse if you hadn’t interfered… But that was stupid. You have no idea what you just got yourself mixed up into.” He took the mug but didn’t make a move to drink it.

“Well I have some theories. But first you need to get into something dry…” You look him over quickly “I might have a sweater or something… Otherwise it’s going to be a towel and a bathrobe while I get your clothes dry.”

He chuckles, causing him to cough.

“You called someone right?” You stood up and head to your room to maybe find something.

“Yeah. I have someone looking to get my phone, but I can’t tell them where you live so you’re stuck with me for at least tonight.” He didn’t seem too embarrassed to say this.

“Well that was obvious. You are in no shape to go anywhere except a hospital, but based on the situation I would say it’s safe to assume that it is a ‘no’ to that.” He chuckles from the other room. You come back from your bedroom with an oversized sweater and a pair of mens pj pants (because let’s face it, those are hella more comfy then women’s pjs)

“No idea if these will fit you, but try em on.” Once you’ve handed them to him he kinda looks at you.

A moment passes before you clue in the either you gotta leave the room or help him into a different one to change. “Ah, right, I will just be in my room.. I will get you a blanket and pillow.” You scurry back into your room, hand to forehead again and thankful that he couldn’t see the blush that had worked its way on your cheeks.

You hear him struggle a bit before he tells you he’s decent. You come back with a pillow and blanket as promised and laughed when you see how “well” the clothes fit.

You swap his clothes for the sleeping things and set off to wash them.

Your phone goes off just after you finish setting the washer causing you to jump. You pull it out and look at the number, it wasn’t familiar, but you pick up regardless.

“Hello?” You ask.

“Oh. You must be Y/N. Is Wonshik available? Tell him it’s Jun.”

“Uh sure… Gimme a minuet though, he’s in another room.” You reach the living room.

“Some guy named Jun?” You hand your phone over to him.

“Hey, what’s the word?” The two exchange quick words before Wonshik hangs up the phone.

You give him a puzzled look.

“They got my phone back. That’s all you need to know.” He yawns.

“Right, well that’s good then.” You stand up “I guess I’ll let you get to sleep then.” You start to make your way to your room.

“Y/N?” He calls quietly

“Mmhm?"you turn to face him.

"I’m sorry” he seems almost small when he apologising.

“What are you saying sorry for?” You laugh.

“Well, you had to take care of a complete stranger for one. Second is that you may be in trouble now that you’ve gotten involved with me.” You could see that he was genuinely concerned about something as he was saying this.

You shake your head, “I didn’t have to stop when I passed that alley. I didn’t have to call you. I saw that it was you and I chose to do those things.” You sit on the couch next to him. “It’s true I don’t know anything about you really, you made sure of that at the bar, but that doesn’t mean I would leave you in a tight spot. I’m not that kind of person.”

“And that has probably put you in a bad position. There are times when being kind is a bad thing, this is one of them…” You could see that he was clearly upset, but maintaining composer as best he could.

“Hey.” You turn his face towards you and look him in the eyes “I was able to stop whatever that was from getting worse. I don’t care that it may have put me in a rough spot, I can handle myself. I’m sure you could have too, but for lord knows what reason, I knew that it would be easier on you if I stepped in.”

He shook his head, “Y/N… I’m not the kind of person to be involved with. We are not the same, and never will be…”

“And what does that matter? Look, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t have my suspicions about you, but when we were talking in the bar there was something there, even if it was unspoken. You can pretend all you want that you are some hard-ass, but I feel like that is mostly show.” He shuffled and winced.

“You are good at reading people aren’t you?” He said quietly.

“I like to think so.” You say proudly.

“What suspicions do you have of me then?” The curiosity was evident.

“Well based on what I saw in the bar, in the alley, and your over all I’m dangerious so don’t mess with me demeanor, I’m gonna say that you are either involved in a gang, or are higher up in a gang.” You state this with no hesitation.

“What if you are right? That doesn’t scare you?” He didn’t make eye contact when he asked this.

“I would be dishonest if I said no, but it’s not enough to scare me away.” You wanted to comfort him because he actually looked defeated.

“You really shouldn’t get involved with me…" 

He moved to take the mugs to the kitchen, but ended up holding his side.

"Alright stop. One, I am not going anywhere. Two, I need to check your side because clearly you are more hurt then you are letting on.”

He nodded. “Fine” he reluctantly lifted the sweater to reveal a nasty bruse forming.

“That could actually be serious… Are you sure that’s a negative on the hospital?”

“No hospitals.” He says through clenched teeth.

“God you are stubborn.”

“Now you know something about me.” He half laughs.

“Right… True.” You could see he is getting tired. “Okay, I’m going to turn in… Cups are in the cupboard beside the fridge. Holler if you need anything.”


You were just about to go around the corner before you stopped yourself.


He looked up “yeah?”

“I’m glad you’re okay, well, all things considered… Sleep well.”

“You too.”



§~§~§~§ A/N: Ravi angst is something I’ve been meaning to start, so here we go! §~§~§~§

Part 1

When you met him in a bar you had no idea what you were getting into, but what you did know is he was hot. Like, next level hot.

He was sitting at the bar talking to men dressed in suits about something that looked intense. You were slightly curious so you sat near him at the bar, but not so close that you were right beside him.

“I told you to take care of it. End of discussion. Make sure it’s done and don’t come back until it is.” One man apologized and bowed 90° and left.

You pretended to be interested in the straw in your drink when you heard the stool get pulled out beside you.

“Hear anything interesting.” He didn’t ask this, he knew you were listening.

“Not really. But that man seems to have done something, or not done something in this case. Seems really important.” You shrug, trying to be nonchalant about it.

“If I told you I would have to kill you” he said with an equal but real sense of nonchalance.

He ordered a drink and gave you a look.

“What?” You ask, picking up your own.

“Nothing. Nothing, you just look beautiful.”

You nearly spit your drink out and laugh.

“It’s a dark room, but thank you.”

“I’m serious.” He sets his drink down and gives you an intense look.

“Sure. Uh huh.”

“I’m Wonshik.” He holds his drink out to signal he wants to cheers

You give him a strange look “y/n. Nice to mee you” you say, connecting your glass to his.

You talked for what seemed like hours with him, but you realized by the end of the night that he was asking you more questions while skillfully dodging yours.

“So tell me, all night you have been dodging my questions… Why?” Now that you have a few more drinks you worked up the nerve to ask him.

“You really want to know about me?” He too has had a few more drinks, and seems a little less closed off.

You take the opportunity to pry a bit more. “What do you do for a living? Clearly it’s an important job or else that guy wouldn’t have been so apologetic for not having done it”

“Not the conversation for the first meeting my dear.” The tone alone was enough to stop you from asking anymore questions, let alone the dark expression on his face actually scared you a bit.

“Okay, so another night then.” You wink.

“Honey you do not want to go down that road” there was something in the way he said it, maybe it was the alcohol making you over think things, but it sounded a little lonely.

You reach over and put your hand lightly on his arm.

“I can handle it.” You sound so sure of yourself that you see a flicker of surprise on his face.

You felt brave so during his brief moment of emotion you lean in and plant a kiss on his lips.

He hesitated for just a moment before returning the kiss.

You don’t remember much after giving him your number when you wake up in the morning. You weren’t sure if you tried to bring him back to your apartment, or if you tried to get back to his or if he wanted you to go back to his, but you do remember feeling sad when the men in suits came back and informed him of something, (you swear you saw blood on one guys pant cuff) and him giving you a kiss on the hand before departing.

You wanted to text first, but you had no idea what to say, so you decided to busy yourself with menial tasks around the house today.

After a while you shoot a quick “what was that all about?” Not expecting much of a response.

No response was exactly what you got, so after a while of not hearing from him and going about daily life you just decided to pass the interaction as just a random encounter with a handsome stranger in a bar.

That night after work your colleagues had agreed to go out for a group dinner, and since it’s polite to go, you tag along dispite mostly wanting to stay in for the night.

You participate in the merriment and loosen up a bit after a couple rounds, and happily agree to go out for karaoke with a smaller group who still wanted to hang out.

Before you even make it to the karaoke bar you swear you see Wonshik in the middle of a group down near the end of an alley, and they didn’t look to happy to see him.

You shake your head, “there’s no way” you mutter.

“Didn’t your mothers ever tell you it’s impolite to fight six-to-one?” You could hear the familiar voice almost growl.

“Ah shit” you weren’t sure at this point if you should interrupt or something, your colleagues had already gone ahead and the street was pretty much deserted since it was threatening to rain at any moment.

So like any awkward human being you pick up a pebble and throw it at a garbage can near them and duck out of sight.

That didn’t seem to rattle them at all as they close in on him.

“Doi, I can call him!” You smack your forehead and pull out your phone, selecting his name from your contacts.

You hear his ringtone and you see two guys grab his arms, holding him so he can’t fight as the obvious leader pulls the phone out of Wonshiks jacket.

“Hmm, Y/N? What a pretty name. Is she your lady?” He asks with a venomous tone

“She has nothing to do with this.” Wonshik replied with as little emotion as possible.

“I’m half tempted to pick up, we can make this fun.” He laughs.

The call goes to voicemail and you quickly hang up. You shoot a quick text message and hear his phone chime.

“Oh ho, she sent you a message. Should we read it boys?” You hear the group laugh and Wonshik tries to get out of the mens grip, only to be punched in the side by the leader.

“Now now. If she she has nothing to do with this then clearly you wouldn’t be getting worked up. So. You wanna tell the truth?”

“I only met her once in a bar. Seriously, you are a fucking joke if you think she means anything to me” you almost believe him, but the hesitation in his voice was almost obvious, although bossman and his lackies must be stupid since none of them seemed to pick up on it.

“Then let us read what this unimportant person has to say to you. ‘Just wanted to make sure everything was okay? You left in a hurry the other night’ well clearly she thinks that your meeting was more than nothing.”

“Then that’s clearly on her. I told her not to get involved, so leave her out of this.”

You came up with a clever way to kind of let him know you were there.

You quickly fire off another text.


“Persistent isn’t she? 'I know you told me not to get involved, but I’ve got your back if you ever need me.’ What is this? Is this some kind of joke?” You could tell the boss was getting pissed now.

He grabbed Wonshik by the hair “did you tell anyone you were coming here?!” He was furious when all Wonshik did was smirk in response. “Fuck it. Rough him up, maybe that will get him to talk.” The men comply when you step out from your hiding place.

