
My tendonitis has really limited carving time lately, but it’s given me the opportunity to try a few

My tendonitis has really limited carving time lately, but it’s given me the opportunity to try a few things and do some more experimenting with paint.
I love how this bowl has turned out (have a look at my story for a full view). It’s blue over white milk paint, i think about 8 or 9 thin layers in all, and sanded first with a coarse-ish grit to uncover the white followed by a very fine grit to give it a lovely, silky finish. I’ve found a really important part of getting a shiny finish like this is to use kitchen paper to almost buff it.
It’s quite a time consuming process due to the number of coats needed but I’ve found that the paint just doesn’t stick as well or last as long with fewer, thicker coats, especially on spoons, and feels so tactile and smooth.
As you can see in the background, this has opened up a few exciting avenues which I’ll share more of another day!
#woodenbowl #bowlturning #homeware #kitchenware #maker #makersgonnamake #woodnotplastic #woodisgood #bristolmakers #greenwood #craft #handmade #handcraft #woodcraft #paint #milkpaint

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My tendonitis has really limited carving time lately, but it’s given me the opportunity to try a few

My tendonitis has really limited carving time lately, but it’s given me the opportunity to try a few things and do some more experimenting with paint.
I love how this bowl has turned out (have a look at my story for a full view). It’s blue over white milk paint, i think about 8 or 9 thin layers in all, and sanded first with a coarse-ish grit to uncover the white followed by a very fine grit to give it a lovely, silky finish. I’ve found a really important part of getting a shiny finish like this is to use kitchen paper to almost buff it.
It’s quite a time consuming process due to the number of coats needed but I’ve found that the paint just doesn’t stick as well or last as long with fewer, thicker coats, especially on spoons, and feels so tactile and smooth.
As you can see in the background, this has opened up a few exciting avenues which I’ll share more of another day!
#woodenbowl #bowlturning #homeware #kitchenware #maker #makersgonnamake #woodnotplastic #woodisgood #bristolmakers #greenwood #craft #handmade #handcraft #woodcraft #paint #milkpaint

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Well, it was bound to happen at some point ‍♂️
This is what happens when you try to go too thin. Now I just have to decide who’s not getting a Christmas present…
#woodenbowl #bowlturning #homeware #kitchenware #maker #makersgonnamake #woodnotplastic #woodisgood #bristolmakers #greenwood #craft #handmade #handcraft #woodcraft #fuckupfriday #christmas #christmaspresents #someonesnotgettingabowlforchristmas

Found time last night for a bit of bowling. This elm turned beautifully.
#woodenbowl #bowlturning #homeware #elm #kitchenware #maker #makersgonnamake #woodnotplastic #woodisgood #bristolmakers #greenwood #craft #handmade #handcraft #woodcraft #bristoletsyteam #madeinbristol

I love the way bowls bend up at the edges as they dry, this one looks like a little boat. . . #woo

I love the way bowls bend up at the edges as they dry, this one looks like a little boat

#woodenbowl #bowlturning #homeware #kitchenware #maker #makersgonnamake #woodnotplastic #woodisgood #bristolmakers #greenwood #craft #handmade #handcraft #woodcraft #shoplocal #shoplocalthischristmas #christmas #market #bristoletsyteam #madeinbristol

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