#woozi scenario


Imagine Woozi getting teased by Seungkwan for sending a slightly cringey birthday message to the younger member.

BONUS: Despite teasing the vocal team leader, Seungkwan was actually very happy and touched to receive such a message from Woozi.

Genre:Drama/maybe angst if you squint
Word Count: 2,355

The only way to describe frustration was playing a particularly annoying video game. You make your moves and all goes well until your plan is foiled by the next bigger and stronger enemy. And then comes the final boss, the biggest and strongest enemy, that sends you running, wishing for the previous enemies.

As it turns out, the current situation was just as frustrating.

In the two months since their sudden confession, Jeonghan and Woozi were relentless in their advances. Constantly trying to one-up each other. It was like a bad romance novel.

They would even go as far as stupid gifts, once even competing to see who could get you a bigger bouquet of flowers. You eventually had to intervene and bam them from buying you flowers. Then they moved on to teddy bears.

Needless to say, it was a weird mix of pleasant, and repulsive.

You still saw Jeonghan and Woozi almost as much as you did before they met up with you in that cafe (which, by the way, you tend to avoid, fearing it would bring up weird memories, and then you would have to face the problem all over again).

Eventually, though, things just got awkward.

There was one time that the three of you had gone to the park to feed the ducks. Jeonghan had grabbed your hand, something that wasn’t unnatural before the Great Cafe Event, and you didn’t think anything if it. Woozi noticed, however, and took your other hand, which made it a little difficult to walk on a sidewalk meant for two people. Someone on a bike had to swerve around you, which resulted in them falling. So, like normal people, you all took off running.

Another time, you all wanted to play Overwatch, but they both decided they wanted to be Reaper. There was a huge argument, and while you were perfectly content with your Widowmaker, they yelled in their headsets at each other. You simply muted their mics, and played on your own.

Naturally, you had decided it was easiest to hang out with them separately, which made it almost worse.

It was soon obvious that if you were with one, things would get awkward.And sometimes even weirdly romantic.

Like that time you and Woozi had decided to get take out, and go back to your place to watch a movie.

Dinner had been fine. Well, as fine as it could be with him stealing glances at you and your face heating up every time you caught him. You made silly conversation, and for a while, it almost felt like you had your best friend back. Cleaning up, however, had proven to be…frustrating to say the least.

The dishes were done in almost complete silence. There were random jokes thrown in here and there, of course, but they were half hearted. Your brain was working at double speed, and your heart was just thumping as it saw fit. Your cheeks were warm, and you could feel your hands shaking. He was so close to you.

If only you knew.

Once the dishes were done, you surprised Woozi with some of his favorite ice cream, with your own in the opposite hand. When you sat down next to the giant teddy bear on you couch to watch the movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, it was decided, you found yourself wedged under his right arm, with your side leaning against his, which only made him eating his ice cream difficult.

Which is how you ended up with a big smear of his ice cream across your right cheek.

“Ah, that was cold!” You said and sat up quickly. Woozi looked at your face and laughed. “Stop laughing at me! This is your fault!” You smacked him lightly on the chest. You tried to wipe away the frozen dessert, but apparently missed, because Woozi only laughed harder.

“Here let me help you,” Woozi set down his pint and spoon and turned toward you. When you had done the same, he cupped your face in his hands and started to brush away the chocolate smear, and you focused on his eyes. They were very pretty, you realized for probably the millionth time.

When he was done, he licked the ice cream off of his thumb, and finally noticed you staring at him. He looked right back into your eyes, and then quickly glanced at your lips. Nothing could have prepared you, and yet you were sure that you had been waiting for nothing else, that everything up until now was meant to lead to this. So when he started to lean in, you didn’t stop him.

In fiction, a kiss is usually described as a spark, or an electric shock. It jolts through your body and sets everything on fire. There’s a moment of breathlessness, like the air has been completely torn from your lungs. It’s supposed to be a moment of complete chaos, where one’s heart and mind are sent into a frenzy.

That didn’t happen.

Instead of a spark like you had expected, all you felt was calm. A wave of peace rolled over you, and you realized that you liked kissing him. Nothing felt more serene and more right in that moment. You moved your hands from your lap, winding them in his hair that had recently been dyed black. His own hands hesitated before moving to your waist, which you reassured him by moving ever so slightly closer. He went slow, taking his time. When he moved to lay you on your back, you decided right then and there that there was nothing else you would rather be doing.  

When he pulled away, you realized your eyes were closed. When had you closed them? You couldn’t remember. You opened your eyes and found Woozi staring right back at you. You stayed like that for a long time, just staring and catching your breath, before he smiled and let out a light chuckle, which you returned. He dropped his head in between your left shoulder and your neck. You wrapped your arms around his back, and he started to kiss your shoulder.

“Let me up,” you said. He immediately obeyed and helped you sit up. When you stood up to leave, he grabbed your hand to stop you. “Relax, I’m just going to put the ice cream away and get some water.”

After the ice cream was put away, you stood in front of the window and stared outside. A sigh made its way out of your mouth.

“What the hell am I doing?” You whispered to yourself. Your heart was about to burst out of your chest and your breathing quickened. A pair of arms wove themselves around your waist.

“Are you okay?” Woozi asked. He rested his head on top of yours and placed a few kisses along you scalp. You instantly felt calm. You could already feel your heart slow and chest stop heaving.  

“Yeah,” you said. “I’ll be fine.”

The rest of the night was spent with you tucked back into his side, his head resting in yours. Occasionally, he would kiss the top of your head, or your cheek. You realized you had never been more content in your life.

But then, of course, came the awkwardness afterward. He texted you, and most times you responded, but as time went on, you were slowly shortening your messages back until you ended up just not texting him altogether. Which only concerned him, so he took matters into his own hands.

He showed up at your house, unannounced, while you were in the middle of cleaning the entire thing, floor to ceiling, to avoid all thoughts of him.

“You’ve stopped answering my texts,” he said before you could even wonder what he was doing there, and let himself in. He made his way to your couch (which, by the way, you were in the middle of cleaning), and sat down right in the middle of it, the smell of fabric fresheners filling the air. You closed the door and turned to face him.

“I’m cleaning,” was all you responded with. He stared at you, not in an angry way, but almost like he was trying to figure you out. Like you were a thousand-piece puzzle waiting to be put together by none other than him.

“You’ve been cleaning for the past two weeks.” It wasn’t a question; more like a challenge. You knew that you were losing the fight before it had begun, and that you were already slipping. You turned to your cleaning supplies and picked them up, carrying them to the kitchen. You set them down on the counter, moving to go back to the living room, only to come face to face with Woozi.

“Jesus, do you need something?” You were starting to get irritated. You tried to push him away, but he held his spot. He held your hand where you had placed in on his chest.

“Why are you avoiding me?” He sounded upset.

You didn’t know how to respond. Why were  you avoiding him? You were happy with him, you liked his company. What was wrong with you? “I just…needed some time I guess.” You could feel his heartbeat under your palm, and realized that it was beating fast. “Can I ask you something?” He nodded. “Do I make you nervous?”  

Woozi looked you right in the eyes. “Yes.” You opened your mouth to answer, but he interrupted. “You make me nervous because I don’t know who you’re going to choose, but I know that you’re going to have to break one of our hearts. I don’t even know if you’re going to choose one of us. I don’t know a lot of things, except that I want you to be happy. Jeonghan does too.” It was weird hearing him say Jeonghan’s name, since he tended to avoid talking about him.

Which made you a little bit queasy. “Do you…are you and Jeonghan going to stay friends?”

Woozi took a deep breath. “I don’t know. I want us to. He’s still my best friend. Just because we happen to have feelings for the same girl doesn’t mean that we can’t work things out, y’know?”

You nodded. “I hope that you guys do.” You gently pulled your hand away. “I need to finish cleaning. And I need to think.”

He stepped out of your way and followed you back to the living room. “Sure, I’ll get going then.” You walked him to the door and opened it. Before he left he gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. “For luck,” he said. “Your apartment is a mess.”

The butterflies you had felt were immediately replaced with anger. “Jihoon!” You smacked him on the arm, giggling. As he left, you waved and smiled, the dumb grin staying on your face the rest of the day.

So here you were, a couple weeks later, back in that same cafe from the Great Cafe Event. Sat across from you, Jeonghan sipped his hot chocolate without a care in the world. This was his way of trying to woo you, but all you could think about was Woozi, and how warm he was. You stared at Jeonghan, and aside from the platonic love you still harbored, in that moment you felt nothing for him.

“So yeah, Josh and I wrote a song, and I think you would like it,” Jeonghan concluded. You looked at him, and realized that you didn’t want this, didn’t want him.

“Jeonghan, that’s amazing, and I’m really proud of both of you, but right now,” you said, and braced yourself for what you were going to say, “I don’t really care.” You saw the brief flicker of surprise in his eyes.

“O-kayyy,” Jeonghan said.

“Look can I just talk to you as a friend?” You asked. “You know, like we did, before…”

Jeonghan’s entire air changed. “Yeah, absolutely, uh, what’s going on?”

You took a deep breath, and prepared yourself to break his heart. You stared right at him and, “I think I’m in love with Woozi.”

Even though you had prepared yourself, the hurt look in his eyes still broke you. He avoided your gaze, looking at his now empty cup. “You’re sure?” He asked. He sounded crushed, and you hated yourself. But there was nothing you could do to control your heart.

“Yes,” you said, still staring at him. There was a long silence. You could practically hear his heart splitting, right down the middle. He continued to stare at the empty cup, and suddenly got up. You watched him walk over to the counter and order something. He came back with another hot chocolate and your favorite drink.

“I don’t understand,” you said when he sat down.

“What? I can’t buy you a drink before you run off to tell him?” Jeonghan was masking his pain, you could tell.

“You know you’re my best friend, right?” You said gently. You reached across the table and took his hand. He sadly looked at you.

“Go on,” he said. “I’m sure he’s waiting for you.”

You stood up and gave him a small smile. He tried to return it, but it was more like a grimace. Picking up the drink he bought you, you stood up. “Call me later, okay? We can all hang out again.”

He just nodded. “We’ll see.”

Woozi was elated when you texted him to meet up at your house. You ad half-expected him to already be there when you arrived. He took longer than you thought, and when he got there you pulled him into the living room and sat him down on the couch. You picked up the large teddy bear and looked him directly in his eyes and said, “It would be bear-y nice if we could go out on a date sometime.”

Woozi was silent, mostly processing that dumb pun before breaking out into a huge grin. You smiled back and pulled him into a hug. He settled his head into the space between your shoulder and neck.

“I would like that bear-y much.”

