#words in the words part


So relieved that the note count is exact again. Now we can keep getting excited about sex and weed numbers.



There’s already a vaccine that’s 85% effective against monkeypox, hundreds of millions of doses have been stockpiled. 3 years ago I would have found more comfort in that knowledge.

How many of those doses are expired? Does that matter? I too was comforted by that knowledge until I saw on a subreddit for healthcare workers talk about the likelihood that many of those doses are expired because smallpox vaccination (the stockpiled vaccine that’s ~85% effective against monkeypox) stopped being a thing in the 70s.

The good news is that the particular vaccine (Imvanex a.k.a. Jynneos) that has been shown to be effective for monkeypox isn’t quite that old. Here’s[1] a reference to it being delivered in 2014. The bad news is that was only 24 million doses, and while likely still effective, who knows how long the bureaucracy for authorizing will take if it’s past the expiration date.


There’s already a vaccine that’s 85% effective against monkeypox, hundreds of millions of doses have been stockpiled. 3 years ago I would have found more comfort in that knowledge.


OK so there’s definitely been a huge technological disappointment compared to the expectations of the mid 20th century, and besides space travel it’s basically that we don’t have as much energy as they expected, so we can’t make death rays and stuff because they aren’t energy-efficient. And the reason for that is I think pretty much suppression of nuclear power. They imagined a world powered by the unlimited energy of the atom, we decided not to do that after all.

But the world does look futuristic now. I was thinking of examples in the shower but I don’t wanna write them all out. But half of them are enabled by lithium-ion batteries, so we have hoverboards and phones and stuff. And the other half is LED lighting. Like if you remember neon signs and little colored plastic lightbulbs that shit looks like another world now. We have huge moving advertisements everywhere, we have indoor spaces with those white walls and bright white lighting so it looks like you found the planet iPods come from, lots of stuff. The pre LED world is starting to look like gaslamps.

Li-ion : energy density

LED : energy efficiency
