#worker safety

Over 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility foOver 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility fo

Over 150 people marched through SoHo in NYC today to demand that US retailers take responsibility for safety conditions in factories that manufacture their products. Companies like Gap (which owns Old Navy, Banana Republic and Piperlime), American Eagle, Walmart and Target have refused to sign the Bangladesh Fire and Safety Accord, which provides an important first step toward assuring all workers a safe workplace.

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Okay so while we’re all struggling to find jobs, keep jobs, pay for food, or pay our rent, the government gave away eleventy hundred brazilian dollars of our money (OUR money) to the exact same useless trust-fund assholes who created this situation in the first place and it didn’t even do shit.

There’s a fucking pandemic happening.  We have basically no infrastructure to handle such an emergency.  We have to keep going to work and exposing ourselves and our loved ones and our communities to possible infection because we’re all one or two missed paychecks away from starving to death.  Those of us who can’t work are facing homelessness because we can’t pay rent, i.e. we can’t afford the usurous and ever-rising fees that a guy who contributes nothing to society but happens to own a building charges us to be in a building.

Oh, but the landlord might have to pay his mortgage!!!! Bitch I wish I had a mortgage

The for-profit healthcare industry is so determined to not handle the crisis correctly that they are *seriously considering* shuffling life-saving medical equipment away from elderly and disabled people and letting critical COVID-19 patients just fucking die.  There’s no fucking reason to do any of that, except that it’s more cost effective.   Because that’s what The Market demands, is blood sacrifices.

And speaking of blood sacrifices for The Market, they’re also talking about lifting the state of emergency and sending everybody back to work in the middle of a fucking pandemic and just accepting all the tens or hundreds of thousands of people who would be killed by that as reasonable losses in order to make the stock market go back up.  "Hey man, I’m sorry about your kids and I’m sorry about Meemaw and I’m sorry about your friends with respiratory issues, but they’re just useless eaters anyways and we just gotta get that line to point up.“

The presidential election looks like it’s gonna come down to an epic battle between one conservative rapist and another, different conservative rapist.  

Meanwhile the planet is still heating up and we’re still disappearing people into camps in the desert.

Is this the world you want?  Are you just going to accept this?  Are you really just going to say “yes sir, thank you sir” and take this lying down and wait for shit to just go back to normal?  Like a dog?

Or are you going to fight?

Because I got news, man:  It’s not going back to normal.  Not ever.

You need to look yourself in the mirror and ask yourself:  Am I going to take this?  Am I going to stand up and fight?  Or am I going to force my grandchildren to suffer the shame of laying a coward’s bones in my grave?


Get the fuck involved

US:mutual aid/rent strike/dual power

UK:mutual aid/rent strike

GLOBAL:mutual aid/rent strike/general strike

We’re starting our good battle, we know we’re gonna win
Because we’ve got the gun thugs looking pretty thin
And which side are you on?
Which side are you on?
Which side are you on, boys,
Which side are you on?



like my brother said today, stop wishing for a revolution. be the revolution.

“I own an apartment building in Houston with 32 units. This is my sole source of income.”

… let me get this straight. The average rent in Houston is $1338 (1 bed: $1148; 2 beds: $1446). Every single month for who knows how long you were paid thousands of dollars x32 and you didn’t save anything?

And yet you expect tenants on a minimum wage to save enough money to pay off yourmortgage?

Landlors really expect people to sell their own car and borrow money from friends and family because - in the mist of a pandemic where some people barely have enough money to eat - they feel entitled to your money.

Landlords don’t provide shit. Builders, plumbers and electricians provide housing. Landlors just buy buildings and hoard wealth for themselves, while leeching off people in need.

We just organized a work stoppage and got policies changed to make us safer in two days :)

Couple things to remember:

1. These people are fucking cannibals and have no hearts or souls or shame and will not stop until they are stopped

2. They scared. We are many, they are few.



Fight hard

Fight to win

This fuels me with so much hope! I’ve felt so hopeless watching from the sidelines! LET’S GOOOOO APE SHIT BABYYYY!!!

Is it finally happening? Are people finally at the breaking point of living in this shit dystopia that we can finally just go feral?

get their asses

Please, God, if nothing else for all this shit this year has been, let it begin here, let this be the spark!




Just do it

Just go buck wild

Y’all don’t understand I BEEN ready to go feral

get their asses

Don’t you just want to lose your minds? Go absolutely Ape Shit? Become Rabid at the doors of the bosses, owners and employers?

The one’s that have turned you against your Fellow Workers.

I know many of you are afraid to rise up now. So many of us(myself included) have to care not only for ourselves, but others. But joining a union, a renter’s collective or a community solidarity program can do the one thing the bosses and the capitalist pigs are really afraid of.

All of us. Waking up. And standing tall.


I posted a scathing letter to my job on another website about our lack of PPE.

They tracked me down in only 21 hours.

I had to take down the post and issue an apology, but we have masks now.
