#worst thing out of texas




“what are you doing here?” the words are out of his mouth before he can think twice about them. it’s been weeks at least since he’s seen the girl, long enough that he didn’t bother to try to keep track of time at all. sungho can put it together quickly enough; obviously she was signed by kt entertainment. god, what a big fucking mistake.

“should i be calling security? you know you’re not allowed to follow me everywhere, right?” he recovers with a joke, the hint of a smile on his lips. his surprise isn’t ridiculous or even unexpected. sungho hadn’t known that chungha had an audition, let alone that she’d have a contract to sign. and that’s his fault for falling out of contact with literally everyone yet again.

maybe the universe hates him. he’s not sure how proximity with chungha will turn out, not when they’re always on shaky ground in their relationship these days. maybe he’ll finally have a friend here, or maybe they’ll literally kill each other. it’ll be interesting to find out, at least.

the voice of the accusatory words are what causes chungha to sigh and finish tying her shoes a little harshly before letting her eyes slowly roll up to meet his gaze. she forgot that signing kt’s contract would mean that she’s in sungho’s sphere near constantly. before then it hadn’t been taken into consideration when debating on signing the contract. truthfully, she forgot all about sungho. she didn’t even tell him she got offered an audition.

considering their relationship was rocky at the best of times, it probably was something chungha should have thought about. how would dealing with him every day go? they were both hard headed individuals and knew how to push each other’s buttons easily. although sungho had a sharp tongue, chungha had awfully fast physical reflexes and it’d be a shame if they tore each other apart while in the confines of kt’s hallways.

“well, you know what the say,” she begins as she rises to stand with her arms crossed in front of him. she nearly lets his english name slip passed her lips just to take a small jab at him but that would do nothing but anger the hibernating bear. “save the best for last, eh? no wonder i’m a late addition.”

it also fairly obvious why she’s there when she’s clad in grey sweats with the waist band rolled over a few times and a regular tank top with the duffle bag that ariel gifted her at her feet. “besides, who would want to follow you? if i was going to be a stalker, i should probably aim for much more interesting people, don’t you think?”
