#wot on prime



POV: You are a teen girl in the Two Rivers, bribing Graendal so you won’t be socially anxious. Also, you want to have the best hair at Bel Tine

Hoping and praying that if they keep one of the scenes with The Band of the Red Hand hanging out and dancing in a tavern in the show that they’ll have Mat or one of the other guys dancing with both men and women



so, in the show, i know that we’re able to see the one power woven as a viewer

but in the books it was made clear that you couldn’t see the one power woven unless you could also embrace it

so now i’m just going back and watching the scenes where moiraine is just like….wiggling and flowing and flinging her hands and arms around and thinking about how funny or odd that would look to some random person who can’t see the weaves

at least until a lightning bolt or a ball of fire appears out of nowhere but y’all get my point





Obiyar isain shai


elayne is related to barthanes, so WHAT IF she’s at his party in season 2 and that’s how she and rand meet?? then they still get their organic meet-cute without already having heard of each other through egwene/nynaeve/mat. IF this season is doing both falme and tear (rafe confirmed falme but i don’t know if we know about tear yet) and IF rand will still do his cairhien stuff (which i also don’t know - barthanes has been cast but it could be that moiraine and lan or perrin and the hunt are the ones who go to cairhien), then i could see that getting frontloaded to the first episode or two so there’s still enough time to set rand up for falme and/or tear.

meanwhile elayne will obviously have to join egwene and nynaeve at the tower sooner in the season rather than later, so if barthanes’s party is an early-season event, maybe elayne and her brothers are making a stop in cairhien on their way to tar valon and she and rand meet there, and then she reaches the tower in episode 2 or 3 and meets egwene and nynaeve and maybe mat. could also be a way to avoid making “everyone thinks rand is dead” an unnecessarily huge plot point - we get an episode or two of the sweet sweet angst of egwene and nynaeve (and mat if they run into him) mourning rand, but then elayne shows up quickly and hears them talk about rand and is like “oh i’m pretty sure i met that guy last week, he’s totally not dead.”

I wasn’t sure why Moiraine was staring all five of the Two Rivers kids in the Winespring Inn the first time I watched it but I was rewatching the first episode and I realized that she’s actually just looking at all the people that could fit the age of the Dragon Reborn. Moiraine thinks Nynaeve is 20-21 until she talks to her later and Laila isn’t there at all


Sophie OkonedoasSiuan Sanche in ‘The Wheel Of Time’




What is everyone most excited to see in season 2? I’ll start: Nynaeve’s Accepted test

As spoiler-free as I can say this, Liandrin and the girls arriving in Falme

1) Verin knowing what evvvvveryone is up to

2) the Aiel and my girl Avi! I have no idea what that’s going to look like since it’s out of order, but I’m so excited to find out

I second Nynaeve’s Accepted’s Test!! But also Elayne’s introduction


Oooh how the oath says “may the Creator’s face turn from me” and the Aes Sedai all turn away




happy pride month to season 1 episode 6 of wheel of time


one of the things i really like about the wheel of time show that stands out from both past bigtime tv fantasy adaptations (okay, it’s game of thrones) and the WOT book series is just how clear it is that the characters are friends. in the books they always seem to be sniping at each other or behaving cordially but judging each other on the inside, but in the show as it currently exists there’s so much palpable affection, you can really feel that these people are comfortable with each other and have intimate histories beyond just happening to be involved in the same plot together, and it gives them more density as characters and shows how that intimacy matters when they are going through these intense, traumatic, world-changing events together. they’re not bonded by the trauma, they have had bonds before it and those bonds enable them to survive it better than they would alone. there’s a lot of visible, casual affection and closeness on display here, in a way that reminds me of lord of the rings somewhat, how the movies had that running undercurrent of earnest, unembarrassed friendship. it’s really refreshing

i have seen quite a lot of people speculating and wanting and looking forward to lan training moiraine in sword fighting and honestly that just makes me mourn all the training scenes between lan and rand that we never got. which also makes me think how they’ll change certain things to get rand to certain points in his arc, cause wasn’t lan’s advice part of what affected him in a big way too? (i’m not going anymore detailed than that cause spoilers.)

nevertheless rip lan and rand training montage at fal dara. when i heard the show was being filmed that was a scene i had looked forward to so much. generally the lan and rand bonding time tbh…
