#would this be considered spoilers

…The panic was instant. It took absolutely everything inside of her not to collapse into a fe

…The panic was instant. It took absolutely everything inside of her not to collapse into a fetal position upon the filthy ground and pray for mercy before the sky sucked her into it’s endless abyss.

Hands shaking and shoulders trembling, she was full on ready to start crying in utter terror but before even a whimper could leave her lips, she felt pressure on her waist. There was the sudden sensation of weightlessness as her feet left the stable ground and she was abruptly spinning and flying upwards towards that very same sky - and oh Gaia, this was it! But all of a sudden, she stopped; her stomach lurched but the abrupt burst of laughter over the pounding in her eardrums had Aerith instinctively turning toward the sound.

That’s when she found herself looking down into Zack’s handsome smiling face.

Oh. That was new.

The familiar kink in her neck from always having to look up at at his towering frame was now resting quite comfortably below her. And while she typically would never allow this kind of brazen intimacy out in the open, she realized she never wanted him to put her down. Despite the fact she didn’t feel the safety of the ground beneath the soles of her shoes, the security of his arms admist the terrifying endless sky stabilized her frantic heart in ways she would never quite understand.

Thickly muscled arms a comforting weight around her waist as he held her ever so gently with a fraction of the strength that lugged around a sword as big as himself. Hands that were trembling only moments before were still atop his broad shoulders and mindlessly caressing the woven fabric of his black SOLDIER-issued sleeveless turtleneck. Its woven texture, his handsome face, those incredible eyes, dashing smile and that familiar cross shaped scar on his cheek - Zack had become her safety net in this uncertain world - and within seconds, she calmed.

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ZACK IS ALIVE IN THE FF7 REMAKE! I still fucking can’t get over it! T______T

Y’all, when I saw the new remake, I was like, “cool” but not crazy hype. I dunno, I adore the FF7 universe but with it’s prequel Crisis Core and Zack Fair (best FF character ever – fight me) being, ya know, dead, I wasn’t really into it but omg…that ending… (if u haven’t seen it - WATCH IT NOW…)

I don’t care if he’s only alive in a parallel universe or whatever the hell is going on, it doesn’t matter. It’s seeing him alive and surviving that fight that was the alternate ending to Crisis Core I desperately needed since 2007, y’all. When mah boi said, “Wait…was that all of them?” I fucking SOBBED – Zack deserved so much better and now with this new installment, I really hope he gets it but we’re gonna have to wait and see where they take the next game.

And these two… Zack and Aerith have always been one of the most tragic OTP’s of mine – her waiting for 5 years for him to return to her (still wearing the ribbon he bought her in her hair and a pink dress every day like he requested) only for him to be murdered on his way back to see her. And of course, her dying months later…fuckin’ hell. And while I’d been content after Advent Children seeing both Zack and Aerith together in the Lifestream, it’s not the same. But now that there is even a fraction of a fraction of a percent that they can meet up again in the next installment of the remake, I will hold onto that with everything I have! Now let’s just hope it doesn’t take them 10 years to make it. XD

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