

Finished - The Family

And the coloured versions all together!

From left to right: Eonis - Pikeritas - Asalis - Agnuin

Finished - Asalis

While she’s the closest thing to a sona I have, I use her mainly as a separate character.

A few things about her (as character):

  • usually well meaning she can be quite mean-spirited at times
  • she’s constantly seeking for amusement since being a god is boring
  • she also doesn’t like to look into the future as all futures are equally real in alternate versions of the world, which makes everything very boring to her, as she also exists in all versions
  • she has a self-destructive streak/ likes to handicap herself
  • she offers “faustian” bargains if people ask her insistently for an intervention (as it annoys her)
  • sometimes she likes to offer free “gifts” or wishes, which do help the mortals involved but also hold a small twist
  • she enjoys to “walk the earth” disguised as a mortal (people usually feel slightly creeped out by her proximity but can’t pinpoint why)
  • she needs Pike as her moral compass, which in turn makes her feel bad
  • she loves both her children but connects better with Agnuin

Lineart - Asalis

I like how this turned out over all, the only thing I’m kinda miffed about is the fact I wasn’t able to draw the wrapped braids in a uniform width.

Damn twitchy hands…

doctorsassysteinbutt:prawn-z:my attraction to joshua graham boggles even my mind sometimes.How



my attraction to joshua graham boggles even my mind sometimes.

How did I miss this??? * touches face*

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