#wrath the furious

surprise!! my @fmasecretsanta​​ gift for @tsaritsa​​! ✨i drew a scene from her fic ‘Enthrallme

surprise!! my @fmasecretsanta​​ gift for @tsaritsa​​! ✨

i drew a scene from her fic ‘Enthrallment’ (you can read it here~)
hope you like your gift, happy holidays! ❤️️


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thank you @sitdoodles​​ and @ryecereal​​ for hosting otp drawchat for my birthday!!! ❤️ it was so mu

thank you @sitdoodles​​ and @ryecereal​​ for hosting otp drawchat for my birthday!!! ❤️ it was so much fun! LOVE U GUYSSS

(close-up for mobile):


someone’s gonna be late for the homunculus council meeting

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otp question meme

(asked by @axedeoexmachina on twitter)

2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
spooning is overrated i think they should sleep like this:
A simple black & white chibi-style doodle of Wrath and Mrs Bradley. They are facing towards each other, sleeping in their bed with their arms hugging one another.

bonus if selim is involved

Selim is now nestled in the bed between Mrs Bradley and Wrath. Selim and his mom are peacefully hugging each other in their sleep. Wrath is lying wide awake on the side, looking tired and unamused.


(answered some of the otp question meme prompts over on twitter and felt like doodling a few of the answers )

also no…i did not make up those pj’s

haven’t had time to draw properly in like…a month…. but here’s an old sketch i found (

haven’t had time to draw properly in like…a month…. but here’s an old sketch i found

(might edit this post to include the final if i ever go back and finish it WHO KNOWS. just one of life’s many mysteries)


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