#writeblr hunt


I’ve been a part of the community here for a while now (two years maybe? wowzers), but my dash has gone a little drier than I’d like while my time online was limited by school. I want to connect more with anyone who’s active, new or old, mutual or not!

(TL;DR - I’m a writeblr looking for new writeblrs to follow.)

I’ll (re)introduce myself.

I’m in my early twenties (she/her), and I just finished my first year of medical school. My bachelor’s degree is in psychology and pre-professional health science. I live in the southern US. I write primarily fantasy and read all genres! I post about my writing, my journey, writing strategies and tools, and I reblog a lot from other writing blogs.

My WIPs:

Currently I have two active WIPs, both high fantasy. The first, The Calm Before, is a project I’ve been conceptualizing and re-conceptualizing for a few years. I’ve just started an outline for it and hope to get it off the ground over the summer. You can read the WIP intro here,full summary here, and character intros one,two,three, and four, but I don’t post much about it anymore since it’s under more “serious” construction! (Questions and comments still welcome, and you can find all related posts on my blog by searching ‘tcb.’)

I post more often about my newest WIP, Here There Be Monsters!

Here There Be Monsters

  • Raw high fantasy escapism in episodic structure
  • My project to teach myself to write with abandon
  • Chaotic goods and neutrals on adventures over land and sea
  • Found family out the wazoo
  • All the fantasy species and staples
  • RPG inspired
  • WIP intro here
  • Character intros hereandhere
  • All related posts in the ‘htbm’ tag here

Now for you guys!

I wanna get to know you and your blogs and WIPs! If you

  • Post at least 95% writing content
  • Are relatively active

Reblog this (super long,sorry) post or tag me in a post to introduce yourself, message me, shoot me an ask, anything! Doesn’t matter if your blog is brand new or I’ve been following you from the start. 
