#writerly woes






The worst part about working on original fiction is u gotta wait like 5 years to get a book draft done in order to SHOW YOUR FRIENDS chapters. Ain’t like fanfic where you can just….send em. Tis horrid.

like yes i worked incredibly hard on this 10 page chapter. yes in order to understand what the hell it means you need a 15 hour briefing on background lore. i apologize. this sucks for everyone.

support your original writer friends because they lack like, an established fandom to get validation from. encourage them. encourage people who draw fandomless OCs. give em ur lov.

To all the original writers out there:

You’re doing a fantastic job!

Keep making your little universes come alive.

I’m really really proud of you

Look at all the words you’ve written, look at all those beautiful characters you’ve brought to life.

Thank you!

I hope one day I get to read your work and then I’ll be part of your fandom too.

As a reminder to myself, please see above.


sir that’s my emotional support story that I’ve been working on for five years that still has no conceivable plot



Stop following writeblrs…

  • If you start comparing your writing to someone else’s and it’s starting to affect your confidence as a writer.
  • If you are afraid to use words like “said” or “looked” because they’ve told you they are not good enough.
  • If you think you should force yourself to make an outline or plan ahead just because you’ve been told you have to.
  • If you feel your characters are not interesting or flawed enough, just because they don’t fit someone else’s requirements of what a fictional should be.
  • If you are too focused on writing in a certain way to actually enjoy the process of writing.
  • If nothing you write seems good enough because it doesn’t fit certain standards.
  • If you feel like youare not a good writer because none of those “tips” and “advices” work for you.

Write whatever you want, however you want. Not matter how shitty you think your writing is, I promise you someone will absolutely love it.

I justwanted to make very clear that I don’t hate writblrs. In fact, I think some of them can be a very useful source of writing tools (websites, apps…) that can help improve your writing.

But as a writer myself who has been struggling to find my own voice and color, it doesn’t help to have someone tell you how they think you should write. Because nine out of ten times, you are so tired and frustrated with your lack of progress and improvement that you will actually start to consider if they are right. Maybe you are the one doing it wrong.

During one of your writing sessions, instead of doing what has worked for you so far, you will force yourself to write the “right” way only to end up with a piece that doesn’t sound like you, doesn’t represent you. And the vicious cycle of self-doubt and frustration will start all over again.

It has happened to me too. It’s happening to me right now. When you want to write a story so badly but you can’t seem to put it into words, you will try to find a solution anywhere. I’m just saying you don’t have to.

It took me a while to realize this myself, but in the end you just have to write. It’s going to be terrible, it’s going to be boring, but it’s going to be written. And that means you can always save it and put it away and work on it a week, a month, even a year later.

Allow yourself to be terrible, guys.There’s nothing wrong with you or your writing. It’s just how this shitshow works.


This tweet totally describes me
