#writing fics


so miss @eru-lloyd had to come at me with her big gojohime brain and birthed us a wonder concept of needy gojo and mean utahime and i had to do sumn djdjkdkdk

feel free to check my gojohime fic: more than fun, you’re the sanctuary


harvest festival[kamisato ayato x reader]

cw breeding kink, semi public, dubcon, manipulative ayato, female fingering, penetrative, dacryphilia

psstt i never got a chance to thank this person who has been taking care of me since i was ar15 until im now ar57 until we cooped again recently and i, for once, was able to defend me and their ass which is kinda funny bcs it was just me spamming in chat abt im being attacked help, its a pleasure to thirst with you <3 @shadowarchon not me posting smut durinf ramadhan lmao

if anything, you knew that yashiro commissioner is a family man. he spoke nothing but the best for his clan, for his sister, for his family. they are lucky, loved by a man of that well, you couldn’t help but sometime to waddle in envy. you are far from it. the idea of family felt nothing like a heavy dull weight on your shoulder. your loyalty lies with the grand narukami shrine and the electro archon you held close to heart.

not in the hand of the man who finds interest in worshipping you instead.

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