#writing motivation




We’re getting ready for Camp NaNoWriMo this April! What’s in your writer’s toolkit? Today, Sofia Mascaró, NaNoWriMo winner, tells us what three things helped her reach her word-count goal:

It was very close to November when I first heard about NaNoWriMo last year. I’d had several ideas that I’d wanted to write over the years, but I’d never found the inspiration and the strength to start. And just to complicate everything, November is a crazy busy month for me due to the huge number of papers and tests the college professors love to give us when the year is about to end. 

So when I decided to join—“Just to try” I said to myself—I never expected to reach the goal of 50.000 words… and the funny thing is that, though I did hit that 50K, even with so many words, I only reached the halfway point of my novel, Midnight Obsessions.

Because of the NaNoWriMo challenge, I decided to finally do something that I love. There are a few things that helped me that might help you as you set out to write:

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