#writing on legs

dangmagic23: Body writing can be such a useful tool for a submissive that struggles with insecurity


Body writing can be such a useful tool for a submissive that struggles with insecurity and anxiety.

Something to remind you of all the positive things about you as a person, written on you so you see them as often as possible.

It is always a struggle finding a way to quell those intrusive thoughts, but sometimes something as simple as remembering how funny you are and your beautiful ‘green eyes’ can go a very long way.

The road to self positivity and belief in your own worth can be a long road for some and it can feel a lot of times like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. This is not the case, there are always support structures, we are never truly alone.

Things like this body writing may seem like a small victory, but each one is a baby step along that road. We must learn to walk before we can.

I am so proud of my little one for doing this, she may struggle on a daily basis, but we’re taking these baby steps together. Each day I see wonderful progression in her, even if she finds it difficult to see herself.

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