

Your realm lies in chaos and in ruins, and now the demons have arrived at your gates. You hold the sacred relic, passed down through countless generations, to your lips and speak the prayer in the long forgotten language:

“Orbital strike on my location.”

While magic may exist, it is impossible for it to affect “normies”, nor would they be able to witness it. You could try casting a huge explosion, but only those magically gifted will be hurt. Buildings and objects constructed by normies are unaffected as well. You have been waging a secret war with Jerry from HR for years now.

As a survivor during the zombie apocalypse, you’ve been unwillingly taken and protected by a vampire coven. Not because they like you, but because you’re their only sustainable food source for miles around.

The witch grew angry as she stared at the baby in your wife’s hands that she had birthed only hours prior. “I wanted *your* firstborn! This is a trick!” You looked at the witch in confusion. Your wife panics. This was quite an exceptional way to learn about cheating.

A curious scientist manages to genetically engineer a set of wings onto a small piglet. As the miniscule animal begins to flap its wings and take flight for the first time, low probability events begin to occur across the world.

Unwilling to go back home alone this year, you hire a “date” from Craigslist for your family’s Thanksgiving dinner. When your date rings the doorbell, however, you find Death herself holding a bouquet of roses, along with a few other gifts.

You pass away at the tender age of 102. Instead of heaven, hell, limbo, or anything else in between however, you see a scoreboard.

The top score says, “Methuselah - 969,”

Followed by “Elizabeth Alexandra Mary - 502.”

A text box appears before you. It says, “Try again? 10…9…”
